Example sentences of "[noun sg] teacher [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was perhaps best represented by the greatest mathematician of the period , Georg Bernhard Riemann ( 1826–66 ) , whose university teacher 's thesis of 1854 ‘ On the hypotheses which underlie geometry ’ ( published 1868 ) can no more be omitted from a discussion of nineteenth-century science than Newton 's Principia can from that of the seventeenth century .
2 But recent reality had also taken its toll : his father 's lamented death , his guitar teacher 's suicide , and that of a cousin ; the presence of his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein , now reduced unhappily to senility in his mother 's house ( at which he would surprise Leonard by encountering him suddenly , in odd moments of clarity , saying , ‘ Oh , yes , you 're the writer , are n't you ? ’ ) created other pressures .
3 Adopting a whole curriculum approach means , too , that support teachers can legitimately respond to requests from class teachers for help that are unrelated to the support teacher 's responsibility for specific pupils .
4 Having nothing much to do while children are engaged in undemanding tasks that offer little opportunity for the support teacher 's intervention .
5 Different answers to these questions lead , of course , to different interpretations of the support teacher 's role .
6 I have argued that if we allow our concept of special educational provision , and hence of the support teacher 's role , to be limited to the ‘ individual ’ approach then the danger is that , not only will our own sights be limited in the measures we adopt to meet special educational needs , but our work may act as a substitute for more fundamental changes that are required .
7 For instance , in Chapter Five of this book Hannah records that her piano teacher 's father and her , that is Hannah 's , grandmother were cousins !
8 ‘ One of my Italian teacher 's refugees has been badgering me to find out whether she could get permission to live in England , ’ she said .
9 Health visitors who study for a further education teacher 's certificate can be employed as curriculum planners and lecturers on nursery nursing courses and pre-vocational courses aimed at recruitment to the NHS .
10 One possibility is the City and Guilds course 730 , the further and adult education teacher 's certificate .
11 In addition to this provision , another major route to teacher training is provided by the City and Guilds of London Institute through its Further Education Teacher 's Certificate schemes , Course No. 730 , which does not , however , lead to a professional qualification conferring qualified teacher status .
12 City and Guilds Diploma ( Further Education Teacher 's Certificate )
13 The new pilot teacher training course combined with the City & Guilds 7307 Further and Adult Education Teacher 's Certificate , is to start on 6th October at .
14 The new Teacher Training Course , combined with City and Guilds 7307 ( Further and Adult Education Teacher 's Certificate ) begins on 6th October at St. Andrews Community School , Cambridge .
15 For the training of teachers in art , further education colleges have traditionally offered the one-year full-time course leading to the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education ( Art Education ) , formerly the Art Teacher 's Diploma ( ATD ) or Certificate ( ATC ) .
16 Area Teacher 's Representatives
17 In addition , there is a thirty-two page Teacher 's Guide .
18 And a from a form teacher 's point of view
19 From the hearing teacher 's point of view what occurs is a mixture of modes : the oral/aural ( through which verbal information passes for the teacher ) , the non-verbal ( facial expression etc. , through which emotion is conveyed ) , and the manual ( through which sign language passes ) .
20 In This New Season , a book about English teaching in Stepney , Chris Searle expresses his belief in the validity of working-class culture and the English teacher 's responsibility to encourage children 's pride in their own identity .
21 Matching book to the pupil is an aspect of the English teacher 's work which requires fine judgement and sensitivity to the needs of the child .
22 She works as a primary school teacher 's reading helper in a local school .
23 Well it were n't exactly the school teacher 's fault cos Panda jumped out of the hedge into the lights from the cemetery cos she liked to go mousing up there .
24 Her colleagues included a Roman Catholic principal of a teacher 's college , an Anglican and a man who was starting a united mission teacher 's college and had written several books on teacher training .
25 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
26 It still was n't my kind of body , but dressed like that it looked quite different , a gym teacher 's body , supple , firm and fit .
27 The radio provides a wide variety of voices ( gets away from the overfamiliar teacher 's voice ) and is suitable for more advanced levels .
28 Isolation in the staff room can often become part of the community language teacher 's experience but that should not deter the teacher from becoming more outgoing and willing to share , even where others initially are not so forthcoming .
29 There is a lot of disagreement about the importance of the various topics in this chapter from the language teacher 's point of view .
30 When a supply teacher 's standards of discipline or expectations of children 's performance do n't match those of the school , trouble can develop resulting in strained relationships , unhappy children , disgruntled parents and tales that will damage the school 's reputation taken to other schools by the supply teacher .
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