Example sentences of "[noun sg] since [num] be " in BNC.

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1 This can give rise to confusion since +1 is considered to be TRUE and NOT(+1) is -2 , which is also considered to be TRUE .
2 No trophy since 1976 is a rubbish record
3 Increased spatial polarisation of the British electorate since 1955 is frequently remarked upon : it is usually associated with what is commonly referred to as a growing north:south divide , and sometimes with a growing urban:rural division too .
4 THE rebellious MP for this multi-ethnic inner-London seat since 1983 was a prominent poll tax protester who went to court before paying up .
5 More was clearly needed , for slum clearance since 1930 was regarded as both too limited in scope and too slow in practice to deal with the scale of the housing problem in the big cities .
6 Much of the distinction between North and South since 1920 is best expressed in terms of the performance of individual sub-regions .
7 One reason for the Surrealists ' relatively slow climb since 1975 is that they were highly valued then .
8 Nevertheless , the rate of increase in expenditure on senior management since 1987 is remarkable and the costs are now equivalent to those of running four medium sized health authorities .
9 Anyway , the perceived need since 1945 is said in the Report to have been ‘ to involve employees to a greater extent in company decision making ’ whatever involvement involves or a greater extent extends to .
10 Yet any comparison of British and foreign economic performance over the period since 1945 is soon brought up against the effects of different institutional forms .
11 Thus the average number recorded annually in each five-year period since 1947 was :
12 Whether this momentous event , the first national coal strike since 1926 was the result of accidental circumstances or a long-term conspiracy between the National Coal Board and the Department of Energy was subsequently fiercely debated .
13 In the early 1970s the local firm that had been producing soap since 1943 was closed down by the action of its major shareholder , who also owned an import agency .
14 The level of manufacturing investment is now lower than in 1979 , and the growth in manufacturing output since 1979 is just 4.9 per cent .
15 The waist-high barrier which has limited public access since 1981 was — doubtless correctly — judged to be too flimsy to block a suicide mission .
16 Together with the data from the transits of Mercury , this re-interpretation of the old records led to the conclusion that the maximum extent of any change on the Sun 's radius since 1850 was no more than a decline of 0.08 seconds of arc per century , with a possible error range of plus or minus 0.07 .
17 The National Gallery 's fifth North American Indian exhibition since 1943 is an exercise in ‘ the new art history ’ .
18 The only change since 1974 is that the metropolitan counties and the GLC were abolished in 1986 , so that their functions have largely been distributed between their component districts and boroughs or transferred to newly created joint boards . )
19 Perhaps the nearest parallel since 1945 is that of the pieds noirs , loyalist French settlers in Algeria who returned embittered and extreme in their politics to France after De Gaulle 's settlement of the civil war with the Arab FLN .
20 The first multiparty general election since 1959 was held in Nepal on May 12 [ for 1959 election see p. 16826 ] .
21 The first multiparty general election since 1959 was held on May 12 , 1991 , and resulted in a victory for the Nepali Congress Party which went on to form a new government under Girija Prasad Koirala .
22 Czechoslovakia 's first free and secret general election since 1946 was held on June 8-9 .
23 Commentaries written in the 1970s and 1980s on the British experience since 1945 were full of cliché-ridden observations on the decline of an ailing titan , and a fall from imperial and industrial greatness .
24 The only medal we had ever won at a major championship since 1978 was the bronze we had gained at Stuttgart in the European .
25 One of the problems in evaluating the changes brought about by the Conservative government since 1979 is that of disentangling long term trends from the direct effects of policy initiatives .
26 Elections held on July 19 , 1987 [ see pp. 35388-90 ] , following a vote of no confidence in the minority government of the Social Democratic Party ( Partido Social Demócrata — PSD ) , returned the PSD to parliament with an outright majority ; the country 's first majority government since 1974 was subsequently formed on Aug. 17 , 1987 , by the Prime Minister , Aníbal Cavaco Silva .
27 The reason our house has looked like a junk yard since 1985 is because a three-seater the colour and shape of junk has been there .
28 David Damiani 's life since 1948 was a mixture of family bereavement , hardship and moderate business success .
29 Hans Locher , former professor of art history at Groningen University and chief curator at the Gemeentemuseum since 1987 is seen to be Fuchs 's most likely successor there .
30 All the developments in English verse since 1910 are due almost wholly to Americans .
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