Example sentences of "[noun sg] became [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 But my heart became filled with fear when I saw no prisoners .
2 The air above and beyond the ridge became filled with wind-swirled smoke and the echoes of distant blasts .
3 When William left school at about the age of twelve , he hoped to become a gardener but his skin became inflamed with constant outdoor work .
4 Another time the carburettor became clogged with sand , and a third time she simply ran out of fuel .
5 Nothing further seems to have transpired and the machinery continued to deteriorate , while the incline became overgrown with scrub .
6 Female menstrual blood became endowed with magical power and often it was harmful .
7 The negotiations on British entry became fused with a wider debate in 1960–3 about the future of the Community .
8 The future became filled with doubt .
9 Universality became identified with equality .
10 But a dark undercurrent of hostility to sexuality and marriage became interwoven with the more benign attitudes towards the body and sexuality current as late as the second century .
11 Through Cripps the campaign became linked with those favouring " Unity " of the Left .
12 The Tribune Group became stocked with Kinnock loyalists .
13 Sometimes the workmanship in these archaic stone artefacts was very fine , and it is possible that they were used as insignia of rank , in much the same way as stone maces in the Wessex Culture in southern England ; if so , it is curious that the same obsolete tool became associated with rank in two cultures that were geographically so widely separated .
14 She shivered again and then again until somehow it became impossible to stop and her whole body became racked with the uncontrollable involuntary movements .
15 Then one voice grew louder , piercing into his brain as his body became paralysed with shock and disbelief .
16 Occultism and oriental mysticism became fused with astrology , magic , cabbalistic elements from Jewish tradition , a pessimistic reading of Plato 's doctrine that man 's true home does not lie in this bodily realm , above all the catalyst of the Christian understanding of redemption in Christ .
17 More than a dozen vehicles became stranded on the hard shoulder — unable to move because their underside became clogged with tar and chippings .
18 By the end of the Old Kingdom , with the development of the worship of Osiris , the Horus king became identified with Horus , the son of Osiris .
19 The days and nights that followed this procession became filled with the ghostly rhythms of the Ma'badong dance a cumulative mantric tone intended to induce altered states , which most successfully we found , interfered with our capacity to keep a grip on the job of filming .
20 Whatever its economic intent , the fact is that Mosley 's fascist movement became associated with the type of violence and anti-Semitism which had become the hallmark of European fascism .
21 A court in America has heard claims that a woman became infected with the virus after a visit to the dentist .
22 The island became covered with vegetation , fossils of which are sometimes found in the volcanic ashes .
23 I can still see her as I first met her , a skinny , energetic schoolgirl with a flower in her shining black hair , who quickly grew into a beautiful woman and whose life became entwined with mine as together we triumphed over disease , over prejudice and even over war .
24 That is how my life became linked with Modigliani one July night .
25 She stared down at the frothing white surf that slid past the ship 's side and fell into a reverie in which imaginings of her future life became mixed with memories of past days at Ballingolin .
26 For several decades , therefore , one important section of the working-class movement and one school of socialist thought became identified with an authoritarian — and for more than twenty years tyrannical — form of government .
27 If the problem of how divine spirit became entangled with human flesh in the person of Jesus , is intractable — so too is the problem of how human spirit relates to a lowly creature .
28 She spun round to face him with blazing blue eyes and then her head fell as the blue became blurred with tears , and pity for herself , for her mother and for the man she scarcely remembered came flooding with the tears that fell down her cheeks .
29 Good taste became associated with the expression of distance from the world of work , the practical or the natural world , and was termed ‘ refined ’ or ‘ cultivated ’ , being dissociated from that which could be regarded as ‘ cheap ’ ( 1970 : 112 ) .
30 Third , I shall examine how certain levels of attainment became associated with certain age groups , and what consequences this had .
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