Example sentences of "[noun sg] council says [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Cheltenham Borough council says it wants to save money to meet spending limits but no final decision has yet been made .
2 Tewkesbury Borough Council says it has a duty to uphold planning regulations .
3 Although the Government have already banned Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams from travelling to the Commons to address MPs Glasgow district council says it wo n't stop Thursdays meeting because the city has a policy of freedom of speech .
4 West Oxfordshire district council says it ca n't house the women .
5 Stroud District Council says it 's aware of the shopkeepers ' problems , but it must consider the conservation aspect .
6 Stroud District Council says it ca n't allow the face to stay because it might tempt other people to paint their dishes .
7 Gloucestershire County Council says its reluctant to make the cuts , and blames the Government for forcing its hand .
8 They say they are , the county council says they 're not .
9 Staffordshire County Council says it will study the tribunal 's decision before considering action .
10 The county council says it ca n't afford to upgrade them .
11 The county council says it hopes to give residents a choice on where they 'll be moved to and does n't expect compulsory redundancies among care staff .
12 If the electric buses prove popular the county council says it hopes that all buses running in the city centre will be electric by the turn of the century .
13 Durham County Council says it is likely that the scheme will be completed by early 1994 .
14 Darlington MP Mr Fallon is under increasing pressure in the face of the £4m savings the county council says it is being forced to make to comply with government spending targets and avoid charge capping .
15 The Star Council says we must get married as often as possible and have children .
16 One delegation from Oxford City Council says it needs more cash to serve an extra thirteen thousand people whose homes now fall within the the city boundaries .
17 The city council says it is the wrong type of grass and is too lush .
18 Oxford City Council says it 's satisfied that Thames Water is doing all it can to prevent another outbreak of cryptosporidiosis ; the water bug which struck the Oxford and Swindon areas early last year .
19 Meanwhile , Labour 's John Power , who 's head of planning on the city council says there are major problems to overcome :
20 The World Boxing Council says it will strip Bowe of its version of the title if he refuses to fight Lewis next .
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