Example sentences of "[noun sg] before her eyes " in BNC.

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1 We may sec one and the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different — as the baby that Alice was holding gradually turned into a pig before her eyes .
2 The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble over a non-existent obstacle , there was a blackness before her eyes and she would have fallen but for his lightning reactions and the strong hand that grasped her elbow , supporting her .
3 All right , he is very busy , one could understand a degree of impatience ; but this girl is in a bad way , she has taken a knife to her room , she sees blood before her eyes .
4 She could see her future closing like a fist before her eyes .
5 In her own words , when she thought her last moments had come , she saw her life pass before her eyes , and said goodbye to mother .
6 In fact , though , the print was a blur before her eyes , and her thoughts were with Faye … and with Tom .
7 Penry stared at her incredulously , then to her relief the tension drained from his face before her eyes as his muscular , beautiful torso began to vibrate with laughter .
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