Example sentences of "[noun sg] about ten [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was going to draw the curtains , upstairs in the bedroom about ten minutes after you dropped me off here .
2 We were then taken by boat about ten miles to Bone where an armed Army escort awaited us for interrogation and we were kept in a locked room in the barracks .
3 I 'll take quite a lot more interest in this competition now , and perhaps Sebastian here will get out of bed to train before school without being called six times — he only starts running practice about ten days before a competition , you know .
4 But if the Milettis had scored a point with their choice of driver , Zen felt that he got one back when Ivy named their destination : the bar , identified by Lucaroni , where Ubaldo Valesio had gone to receive the phone calls from the gang , situated in a village about ten kilometres from Perugia .
5 The car , a green Morris Minor , had been toppled over the edge of a shallow depression in the wasteland , and had lurched to rest on a grassy plateau about ten feet from the ridge like a clumsy animal going to earth .
6 I think what I 'll do , you 've got about forty minutes of it today , you 'll get Carl Rogers working with a client called er and then we 'll stop there and then next week you 'll see the er the next behaviourist called er called erm Arnold Lazarus , okay , who you might wan he 's got a book called Multi Modal Therapy which was a big hit about ten years ago and there 's about five copies in the library .
7 ‘ It was done on a manual Adler typewriter , a machine about ten years old .
8 Just inside the door were two steps down to a small living room about ten feet square , behind this was a tiny scullery and the houses had two small bedrooms upstairs .
9 There was even a cardboard birthday cake about ten feet across which a couple of girls could leap out of if somebody paid for their time and the hire of a van .
10 His complacency remained unshaken when , on Thursday 17 January 1746 , having advanced from Edinburgh towards Stirling he found that the rebels , far from fleeing , had moved forward to meet him at Falkirk , a small town about ten miles [ 16 km ] to the south-east .
11 erm The Department of Trade and Industry stepped into this business about ten years ago and because there was a situation where there was no re-insurance , but when the company that was actually selling the policy when into liquidation erm there was no redress for the policy holder .
12 If you struggled with rollers and gave them up as a bad job about ten years ago , you 'll be surprised at the simplicity of the latest setting appliances .
13 ‘ My co-writer Gerard Brown and I actually got the idea for Juice about ten years ago .
14 A board , whose identity is made known to all competitors , begins sailing upwind on port tack past a buoy in the water about ten seconds before the start gun .
15 Next to it and with a connecting door , was a small kitchen about ten feet by eight .
16 FOR SOMEONE whose music is as aggressive and uncompromising as Ice-T 's , it comes as some surprise to discover that the rap superstar lives in a charming country cottage about ten miles from Los Angeles .
17 Paula explains : ‘ I did make a conscious decision about ten years ago .
18 The first is taken from Mark 's Gospel and involves the cure of a single leper ; the second is from his own source and is a story about ten lepers. –any scholars believe that the story of the ten lepers is a development of the miracle of the one leper .
19 There had been a lot of activity in and around Brigade H.Q It appears that the enemy in front of the Commando positions has started to pull out , possibly due to the Allied advance in the Caen area about ten miles from here .
20 He points to a spot in the grass about ten yards away .
21 There was at one stage prospecting starting in a locality about ten miles distant from the main area and there was , I think ( my figures may not be exactly right but they 're near enough right ) 276 landowners in the locality and 274 of them signed a petition to the prospecting companies to stay off their land .
22 And we used to th masses of cousins there and erm one one of my Jean , my cousin about ten months younger than I said , can I have a go Mollie ?
23 Matilda , sitting in the second row about ten feet away from Miss Honey , put her.elbows on the desk and cupped her face in her hands , and this time she gave the order right at the beginning .
24 He produced a set of car keys and loped past the tractor about ten inches from my nose .
25 North set ignore the map I think it is erm very important the map , I saw this outline about ten years ago , erm and , and neither has the fast
26 And , then that famous man who died just recently , Finniston was asked to er , present a report to the government about ten years ago , in which he was going to knock the heads together again and try to get some kind of er organisation which would actually get the institutions to cooperate and coordinate their activities and that was the beginning of the Engineering Council .
27 She wrote , The Love and Lives of the She Devil , and she 's written it , she wrote it especially for The Orange Tree Theatre about ten years ago , and now she 's re-doing it ,
28 They found the weapon used to stun the bookseller : a piece of half-inch iron pipe about ten inches long .
29 In order not to alarm her unduly , he moved into a space about ten yards ahead of her , and started to walk backwards and forwards on a ten-degree arc in her direct line of vision .
30 Edward Knoyle inherited the manor in 1533 , and probably set about building this mullioned and gabled beauty about ten years later around a humble medieval hall .
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