Example sentences of "[noun sg] could [be] regarded " in BNC.

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1 I conclude that looking at the matter from the point of view of expense incurred and not from the point of view of loss to the employer no expense could be regarded as having been incurred as a result of the decision of the authorities of the college to provide this particular benefit to the taxpayer .
2 The ego is the executive agency , the id could be regarded as something like the Congress , as o which er seen as a , as a large mass of conflicting demands .
3 The capture of two 10lb bream from Grafham reservoir on fish imitating lures was treated as though the incidents were especially significant ; that lure fishing could be regarded as a specially good method for catching exceptionally big bream .
4 Although the brief for the study could be regarded as a loose one , the full SSM was not formally applied by moving deliberately through each of the SSM stages , although in retrospect there were many similarities .
5 Rational choice models , like class conspiracy theories , can be considered as micro-reductive variations on the dominant ideology thesis , just as , I suggested earlier , the concept of racism as necessary false consciousness could be regarded as a macro-reductive correlate of ‘ irrational prejudice ’ arguments .
6 It has been held that while mezzanine platforms erected in a warehouse could be regarded as plant for capital allowance purposes , ancillary lighting could not ( p 119 ) .
7 The question of whether mezzanine platforms and ancillary lighting erected in a warehouse could be regarded as plant for capital allowance purposes was considered in the case of Hunt v Henry Quick Ltd ; King v Bridisco Ltd [ 1992 ] STI 665 .
8 The act could be regarded as a novus actus interveniens .
9 For example the land at Skelton Hall could be regarded as open land but no one is suggesting that that should be part of the greenbelt .
10 Because still in 1988 , under the pressure of social instability and political crises , homosexuality could be regarded as a kind of privation or error , an ‘ inverted positivity ’ , an inimical , pernicious , inauthenticity always threatening to return from within the true and the authentic .
11 The question of ideas in literature could be regarded as one aspect of the question of reality , being part of literature 's ‘ content ’ , and it was an issue that the Formalists themselves were particularly keen to confront .
12 This sentence could be regarded as an elliptical version of the deductive explanation given in ( 27 ) .
13 Thus our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories , though a qualitative one only ; the uncertainties are such that one can not predict the numbers of quarks that will be left after the annihilation , or even whether it would be quarks or antiquarks that would remain .
14 This case could be regarded as an example of the first presumption applying and neither of the exceptions being relevant .
15 He points out that , for the financial year 1981 , only one quarter of the US federal budget could be regarded as controllable .
16 This period could be regarded as the time when our service began to emerge from a kind of amateur status to that of a more professional one .
17 Behaviour that might be tolerated at New Year 's Eve celebrations or at a football match could be regarded as disorderly at a solemn thanksgiving ceremony .
18 In this context , the material before the board indicated — ( 1 ) that investors were persuaded by company representatives employed by the Winchester Group to cancel their existing policies and to ‘ switch ’ to Norwich Union without their best interests and any disadvantages attendant upon so doing necessarily being considered ; ( 2 ) that other undesirable selling practices — for instance ‘ overselling ’ whereby investors are persuaded to take out a range of policies which they may not be able to afford in the long term — have been employed by company representatives selling on behalf of the Winchester Group ; ( 3 ) that the fact find forms completed by the Winchester Group for forwarding to Norwich Union were inadequate for the purposes of ensuring that products were only sold to investors on a ‘ best advice ’ basis ; ( 4 ) that the connections between Mr. Tee and Mr. Kissane ( a former director of the Winchester Group now awaiting trial on charges of theft of client moneys ) and also between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh were such as to call into question the extent to which the controllers , directors and senior managers of the Winchester Group could be regarded as being of good character and competent or otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether the Winchester Group could be safely regarded as a fit and proper person for the purposes of enjoying appointed representative status ; ( 5 ) that policies had been sold by eight persons engaged by the Winchester Group who had not been appointed as company representatives of Norwich Union or in any other way authorised to sell investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and that other individuals who had been appointed as company representatives had not been registered as such with Lautro ; ( 6 ) that certain company representatives engaged by the Winchester Group appeared to be channelling client moneys through their own personal bank accounts .
19 Profumo unfortunately succumbed to the charms of a Miss Christine Keeler who — casting my mind back — appeared at the time to be an attractive little thing , and whose very appearance could be regarded as a warning to every husband anxious to preserve his marriage .
20 It is important to ensure that only current partners appear as lessees/trustees of partnership premises , if only to avoid any possibility that a retired partner who has not been duly replaced on the title could be regarded as still being held out as a member of the firm .
21 Thirdly , it is doubtful whether the General Strike could be regarded as the watershed in British labour history , which it is sometimes claimed to be , or that it changed in any significant form the pattern of industrial relations .
22 Whilst it may be possible for certain hoists and lifts to be provided with dual controls and to be relied upon to assist in the initial stages of smouldering fire or even the last stages of salvage and reinstatement , and whilst the provision of a portable extinguisher could be regarded as standard , the dangers involved in aligning the confines of a lift or cage to a developing fire in the only manner by which it could be used effectively are sufficiently great to warrant special mention when consideration is being given to emergency planning .
23 However , one particular aspect of stress could be regarded as part of intonation : this is the placement of the tonic stress within the tone-unit .
24 This argument could be regarded as a rebuttable presumption , but then the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down ; it could not be said that legal rules were always to be determined by the ordinary courts .
25 Erm quality could be regarded as an empty word .
26 Although it was difficult , in practice , to stop war from breaking out , serious attempts were made to control it by emphasising that only a war duly and properly declared by a soverign authority could be regarded as just .
27 In large measure , the nineteenth-century labour movement could be regarded — and regarded itself — as a continuation of the democratic movement , this continuity being expressed even in the name ‘ social democratic ’ which was widely adopted by the political parties of the working class .
28 If the intensification of use could be regarded as a material change of use , then planning permission would be required thus enabling any odour emission to be controlled by planning legislation .
29 However , it was not at all convinced that a slight penetration with one finger could be regarded as an aggravated assault and yet considered it impractical to distinguish between different forms of digital penetration .
30 As an assembly , the example could be regarded as trivial , being made only from ten different parts .
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