Example sentences of "[noun sg] can take [art] " in BNC.

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1 As we mention in the section on Concentration , a good time-table of study can take the place of motivation until such motivation develops of its own accord .
2 hold on , hold on , just a moment , she does n't know , but a biopsy can take a week , a week to come through , she would n't expect you out before the weekend
3 That a rule can take the form of a statement ‘ Given P , then Q on 75 per cent of occasions ’ , as is sometimes seriously suggested , is to use the concept of rule in a very dangerous and misleading way .
4 The main issue — which locations within the Pushkin Museum complex can take the collection and when — remains as yet unresolved , but a number of alternatives are being examined : a former residential building currently under conversion to house the Pushkin 's own exhibitions of modern art , and the site of the former Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Museum .
5 This partnership can take a variety of forms , depending on particular circumstances and individual preferences .
6 The Adjudication Committee can take a broad range of actions in relation to complaints : it can :
7 Providing the income you will need after you stop work can take a load off your mind .
8 If these steps are not taken , the council can take the offender to the magistrates ' court and a fine of up to £2,000 may be payable — and the fine may be repeated on a continuing basis if the notice is still not complied with .
9 Being a super-duper well-'ard off-road jobbie , your machine can take a fair amount of punishment before falling to bits .
10 What is the point of sacking a young lad on £100 when a boss can take a cut ? ’
11 More than two negative reasons for accepting a job can take a heavy toll on your resources of enthusiasm , particularly if you had the added disappointment of being turned down for the post you 'd really hoped for at the time .
12 The motherboard can take a full 66MHz DX2 chip but there 's no easy upgrade socket — it 's a case of our with the old and in with the new .
13 He was paid $1.5 million to walk through a movie , went out with a princess , ran anywhere that celebrity can take a man .
14 If there is a distinction between a failure to consent and a refusal of consent , it is because a refusal can take the form of a declaration of intention never to consent in the future or never to consent in some future circumstances .
15 No other band can take an already macabre melody , violate it beyond humanity and then somehow spit out a bona fide song which such contemptuous animosity .
16 This process can take the form of fly-fishing with some people , Japanese boxing or embroidery with others .
17 This part of the meeting can take a large proportion of the time available .
18 Such consumption of lithosphere can take the form of either subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate capped by continental crust or the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a second oceanic plate .
19 1.50 Once the 21 days for acceptance have passed or the trial has started the plaintiff can take the money in court only with the defendant 's consent or by order unless the payment in itself was made or increased after the trial started , when he has two days to accept , but must do so before the judge begins to deliver his judgment ( RSC Ord 22 , r5 ; CCR Ord 11 , r3 ) .
20 It is a question of whether the size of the room can take the increased proportions .
21 It is good management practice that any change of policy should itself be assessed : the process should help to decide whether LMS can take the credit for any improvements that occur .
22 At present a person can take a few driving lessons and pass a driving test and he is then free to purchase any type of car they can afford , regardless of how powerful that car is .
23 A person can take a vehicle , even though he is already in possession of it .
24 It may be that , over time , education can take a long term view of itself through the medium of the successful business .
25 There are two principal syntactic differences between these two verbs — first , finish can occur without an overt direct object , as in Have you finished ? , whereas complete in the relevant sense requires an overt direct object ; second , finish can take a gerund complement , as in I 've finished eating , but complete can not ( * I 've completed reading ) .
26 Senior managers in an organisation can take a wider view of problems and consequences .
27 In the new Act the landlord can take the tenant to court for repossession for : 1 Non-payment of rent for 3 months 2 Persistently late payment of rent .
28 But how many of those blokes carrying signs outside Black Comedy can take the falls I do eight times a week ?
29 The Commission can take a member state to the European Court if it fails to comply with such an interim order .
30 Like a wound in your own flesh , a clean cut heals quickly , but a jagged , ragged , bruised gash can take a long time to heel and is open to infection all that time .
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