Example sentences of "[noun sg] she heard a " in BNC.

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1 The babe was fretful with teething , but as she came along the corridor she heard a gentle humming above the baby 's wails .
2 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
3 But as she was passing the Misses Cardings ' shop she heard a loud tapping on the upper part of the door ; then it was pulled open and Miss Belle Carding beckoned Agnes towards her , saying , ‘ Come in a minute , dear .
4 In the distance she heard a car engine , normally a sound which compelled curiosity but now of no interest .
5 Behind her back she heard a mutter .
6 as if in answer to her wish she heard a heavy , masculine tread on the uncarpeted stairs outside her door .
7 As she pushed the key into the lock of the front door she heard a row going on .
8 As she hesitated outside Bob 's door she heard a muffled metallic thump from within , as of a saucepan being put down on a gas-stove , then the sound of a tap being turned on .
9 Over the line she heard a door slam in Yorick 's flat .
10 As she picked up the notebook she heard a sound close behind her and jerked round .
11 As she withdrew the needle she heard a car draw up outside .
12 ‘ I thought you 'd never ask , ’ she whispered , and in the gathering darkness she heard a ragged sigh just before his head came down and blocked out the stars .
13 From somewhere in the house she heard a sound and to cover it spoke again .
14 As she came through the side roads to her house she heard a few trial notes on a wind instrument of some sort — a clarinet , was it ? a run of notes that seemed to carry on where the last solitary trill of the bird had stopped , and then a beat , beat , beat of a bass and a drum slowly swinging in , and the band , trying out their numbers high up in a house , lilted together into a piece , melancholy at base with gay little twiddles from the clarinet bravely calling that nightfall was not the end of hope , not a closure — a little bit of swing filtering over back gardens to draw people out , out into the spring night , a beat along the channels of their blood suggesting that this hour , as the light dies , as the dusk creeps along the ground , is not an ending but a beginning .
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