Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [vb past] herself " in BNC.

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1 By the time he had pressed her into a seat she had herself under more control , and was suffering acute embarrassment at her outburst .
2 She was standing on the drive , reaching the end of a discussion about a kitchen order with Leif , and as Vitor climbed from the car she felt herself grow tense .
3 And as she thought of the good golfing years she had allowed to go to waste , so praying and practice loomed large in the recovery programme she set herself .
4 Some were of classical music , one a relaxation tape she used herself , and the rest an assortment belonging to the children .
5 Did he know exactly the kind of dilemma she found herself in ?
6 When at last she fell , she waited , lying expectant on the stones , before , in a small anguish of disappointment she picked herself up .
7 From that cold , emotionless void she watched herself speak kindly to the young girl introduced as Ellen , thank the Queen for her great kindness , beg to be excused from dining in the hall on the grounds of wishing to find her priest as soon as possible , and resolutely put all thought of fitzAlan out of her mind .
8 When she regained consciousness she found herself lying on a large settee in a dimly lit room .
9 As Travis set her down on her good leg inside the hut she gave herself up to a sense of fatalism .
10 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
11 For a fleeting second she allowed herself to revel in the unaccustomed feeling of having the upper hand over him .
12 There was a boy she fancied herself — Jeff Freeman — and she was busy laying plans to entice him away from his steady girlfriend .
13 Once her mother , talking of Christmas , had said that as a child she had herself received no presents , as it had never occurred to anyone to buy such things — but that one year her elder brother , thinking to tease her , had hung at the end of her bed a stocking , and that when , excited , she had sprung to open it , she found it contained ashes from last night 's grate .
14 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
15 But if the Mother of God heard , she must have decided that the cause was not a worthy one , for as Jennifer moved out from behind the dovecot she felt herself seized from behind .
16 In an effort to quell the hysteria she made herself do ordinary things — putting the kettle on to boil — milk to warm — instant coffee in two brown mugs .
17 From a cupboard , she took a large , brown , straw hat and a dark grey coat ; and after first pinning the hat on to her hair she shrugged herself into the coat .
18 Well , I know in the interview you did with Patsy Kensit she gave herself a 4 so I 'll have to go for 2 .
19 She must n't give up hope she told herself .
20 For an instant she told herself she had imagined the almost feral glint behind the long , dark lashes as Niall said casually , ‘ If I did n't know better , I might almost get the idea that you were jealous . ’
21 Sneaking across the kitchen she made herself some bread and margarine .
22 At the grand banquet she toasted herself in champagne owing to confusion .
23 With her left foot she pushed herself and the pole away from the building .
24 Numb with agony and humiliation , she got undressed like a ghost and went to bed , unable to let herself dwell too deeply on what had happened in case she found herself asking the inevitable question : if I hate Damian Flint , why has he been able to hurt me so deeply ?
25 For the moment she busied herself making a fresh pot of tea , while Karen cleared the dirty plates and made room for their toast and marmalade .
26 After a moment she felt herself lifted and carried a few paces .
27 For one desperate moment she allowed herself to question whether he really had done it , but knew there could be no other answer .
28 Somewhere on the edge of this feeling she knew there was danger , but for the moment she allowed herself to drift alone on a cloud of enchantment .
29 As soon as his arms closed about her , her body nestled into his as though it belonged there , and just for a moment she allowed herself to lay her forehead against his shoulder .
30 Then he brought his blazing eyes unhurriedly to her face and for a long moment she found herself wishing time would stand still ; when he looked at her like that … she swallowed , felt her pulse beating wildly ; his eyes were devouring hers .
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