Example sentences of "[noun sg] that will make " in BNC.

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1 One morning , the other dealers said to him : " We 've got a stock that will make you rich in a day .
2 We check out a sound card that will make them eat their words — the Laserwave Plus .
3 There are many ways of saving for an event like a wedding that will make sure that you can buy more than just the confetti .
4 Some of my colleagues will regard this gesture on the part of the Board with pleasure that will make for whole-hearted co-operation on their part .
5 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
6 Public lighting engineers give very considerable thought to the glare produced by their installations , but in designing lamps you have to compromise between an installation that will make things most visible , use least energy and produce least glare .
7 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
8 Children make progress at various speeds at different ages and by watching their activities and offering the next stage when they are ready for it teachers can give them the breadth of experience that will make the formal work of later years more meaningful .
9 Now these are n't , oh right , the strange black things that some of you are holding in your hands are called riders , and these are end leaves for the storage binder , and the idea is that they will have protective pages that are in the storage binder that will make them easier to turn .
10 Second , if one does know in advance that the celebratory flowers are to be pressed , there are various details that can be given to the florist in question that will make one 's task much easier .
11 June brides will have to start planning for the big event about now , so in Secrets of Success we show you how to cook the perfect wedding buffet , with salmon and salads , and , of course , a three tier wedding cake that will make 'em gasp .
12 More topically Smith drives home the absurdity of the present British water industry installing meters in households and then setting up a huge bureaucracy to monitor them and gather payment — a move that will make water much more expensive ( and thus more attractive to the private companies which will eventually provide it ) .
13 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
14 The various business that will make up Zeneca , the new company being created out of the biosciences activities of Britain 's Imperial Chemical Industries ( ICI ) , spent £457 million ( US $640 ) on research and development last year , according to figures released last week in preparation for the company 's stock market launch in June .
15 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
16 The big problem with this latter group is to find some sort of unifying factor that will make sense or give a theme to a miscellany of oddments that are less than distinguished .
17 In the down-sizing 1990s , this essentially means providing the glue that will make disparate mainframe , client-server and network systems co-function .
18 While the Alvey project will shed light on difficulties being experienced with systems now in service , this ESRC project is intended to provide background long-range knowledge that will make future expert systems easier for people to use .
19 A producer need not own any resources in order to engage in production ; he merely has to know where to buy resources at a price that will make it worthwhile to produce and sell the product at its attainable price .
20 On the other hand these concepts must be introduced in a manner that will make them intelligible .
21 ‘ I have news that will make us all walk , even readers of Catullus . ’
22 The Government is desperate to stem the high drop-out rates from college courses and create a workforce that will make Britain more competitive .
23 Mel Brooks ' glorious bad-taste comedy starring Zero Mostel as a crooked Broadway producer who co-opts a timid accountant ( Gene Wilder ) to help mount a mega flop that will make their fortune .
24 Barnes has fired up a powerful B side and told them : ‘ We are going to set down a performance that will make the selectors take notice .
25 But there is probably no substance that will make wrinkles disappear permanently and by midlife many of the lines on our faces have been etched there by laughter or frowns over the years .
26 ‘ I want someone to create a style that will make me look fabulous , and which does n't need any care at all .
27 So what what they 're actually saying is that here is a formal training that will make sure that everybody at the , who goes on this course , comes away with a measure of having achieved those skills because th the course itself is formed of two parts .
28 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
29 SIR — I like to recall a wry comment on the television programme That Was The Week That Was towards the end of the Tories ' last long period in office during the early Sixties : ‘ There 's only one thing that will make the Conservatives popular again — and that is the next Labour government ! ’
30 The only thing that will make them change their attitudes will be knowing someone with AIDS and watching them decline .
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