Example sentences of "[noun sg] that stand in " in BNC.

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1 In Stanley Park , there is a solitary rock that stands in the inlet , like a sentinel , a few feet off Prospect Point .
2 His words constitute a fervent expression of faith in a new creed , a new political and social system , a new kind of literature which together have a rejuvenating and energising capacity that stands in marked contrast to the corruption and dissolution of a decaying , moribund capitalist society .
3 She immediately fell into conversation with Jack as they waited to board the mini-bus that stood in the centre of the courtyard , ready to transport them to the Parc de Prafance with its famous forest of bamboo .
4 Adam Sedgwick , whose life is commemorated in a fine book by Colin Speakman and in a memorial fountain of Shap granite that stands in the main street , is Dent 's most famous son .
5 ‘ The hurricane of their all-consuming lust for each other , ’ continues our over-titillated hack , ‘ swept away every obstacle that stood in its path . ’
6 The same can be said of the United States Constitution , but in Britain there is no body that stands in a position analogous to that of the United States Supreme Court .
7 The inclusion of the notion of subjectivity in the above definition might seem surprising here , but I am not equating deixis with a concept that stands in rough opposition to objectivity .
8 Alexandra went over to the long glass on a mahogany frame that stood in the bow window and looked at herself .
9 He followed Martin to the drinks cabinet that stood in a corner of the hall .
10 It was a big room with a high , moulded ceiling and a draped bed that stood in the middle of it like a throne .
11 The strange , fixed weather vane that stands in the lee of the vicarage at Rennes-le-Chateau .
12 Well my pal and myself we took these two girls and we sat in the middle of the Temperance Hall and he said come on let's sit over on the balcony he says and put up my clothes by the radiator he says it 's been raining he says and it will dry them , so we moved , and exactly from were we moved was where the women got killed , just candelabra dropped on her and er when it happened the fella on the stage the comedian was singing , a hundred years from now you wo n't be here , and I wo n't be here and from the corner of my eye I could see something gradually dropping like one of these candelabras and I thought hello that 's part of the act you know , it was just gradually coming down and all of a sudden , whooosh and the roof came straight in oh and I do n't know sure I 'd I , everything went dark of course I mean it was all in blacked-out all the chairs were loose , so as the folks wended their way towards the exit doors they took the chairs with them , so they politely threw them back in the crowd that stood in the hall so you were dodging chairs as well as trying to get out , where we were , where we were seated the firemen were hacking at the windows thinking that it was a fire because all the dust had gone up in the air and the reflection of the light from the market I suppose and that would give the appearance of smoke , and he was , I said to this fireman I said there 's no fire , he says , he says there is I said there 's no fire in here , anyway we eventually got out but I took these girls back home to and I really , it was , properly unnerved us both and as we came on that old tram we were , we thought you know everything seemed to sort of upset us and when I got far more upset on the Sunday morning when I went to have a look at it , the whole roof had come right in , but there were fifty people got injured you know and about , oh there was one lady killed .
13 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
14 Her heart was still at Framlingham Hall , the house that stood in the shadow of the great castle with thirteen towers , built by Roger Bigod in the year 1177 .
15 Miss Honey paused and leaned back in her chair behind the plain table that stood in the middle of the floor in front of the class .
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