Example sentences of "[noun sg] that happen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And ministerial statements have actually indicated that it 's not likely to appear , as a final version , until next year at the earliest , and so it would seem to me that there 's a great deal of thought to be gone into the precise wording of that P P G yet , and to rely on quotes from it wou is , is , is at best er , misleading , and I think we ought to bear in mind something that Mr Curtis mentioned this morning , that in fact the change that happened between draft P P G three and the final version , it is quite possible that the final version of P P G thirteen could be substantially different from the
2 And the method they have adopted has proved to be the beginning of the slide that has lead to mass dispersals of the kind that happened at Brent .
3 As previously mentioned in this book , signalboxes are the sort of railway infrastructure that , by their often remote location , are likely to have experiences of a supernatural nature and so it is no surprise that most signalmen have a tale of mystery and suspense that happened to friends of theirs .
4 Specifically I dream about the old man 's parchment hands with their cheroot fingers , endlessly rolling the container in his hand , this movement polishing and burnishing it , an insistent but unexplained movement of the sort that happens in dreams .
5 Right and that 's a general reaction that happens with virtually any acid and any alkali
6 Erm , and that er what causes erm David Lewis to tell the sorts of stories about he tells is this kind of hideous accident that happened to him when he was three years old and then was exaggerated by his
7 The offence is not designed to penalise the expressions of opinion that happen to be disagreeable , distasteful , or even offensive , annoying or distressing .
8 Fossil plants are of great use in plotting the many shifts of climate that happened during the Tertiary : a humid-tropical flora may be found in what is now an arid region , or a warm-climate flora may be found in an area that is now decidedly cool .
9 A succession of such shallow pools proliferates along the length of any stream that happens to be ‘ infected ’ by seeding crystals of this kind of clay .
10 It 's a long album , like seventy-three minutes , with a lot of jam stuff that happened by accident .
11 The stuff that happened in the ‘ 70s was not black cinema .
12 We shall begin our discussion of components of population change by looking at mortality since death is a well-defined event that happens to everyone .
13 You may be interested in an event that happened to me after our Remembrance Service at East Kirkby early this July .
14 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
15 So you feel the same enlightenment that happened to Dylan has also befallen you ?
16 Let me turn you to a er a little incident that happened with the erm , in the life of Jesus , it 's in Matthew chapter nine and , just gon na read I think it 's three verses there Now let's pick it up at verse twenty seven , this is in and Jesus passed on from there .
17 This was a routine dawn incident that happened in Tuffah last month .
18 I like the er , you know , the nice little grin on her face , and the way she 's cuddling the teddy , erm teddy that happens to be a rabbit , it leaves us
19 Actually Christine normal size twelve dress that happened to be a full dress .
20 Its my own personal opinion that the only true love and er I have to honestly say I 've never heard love here defined as I would as the totally unconditional love that happens between a woman and a child , probably from the moment of birth that bonds them through life , that 's the only love that I could ever admit to .
21 The general opinion seems to be that the only really dangerous thing that happens during the filming of London 's Burning is Murphy driving a fire engine .
22 Only thing that happens at home is Course Work and Exams .
23 I mean certainly there 's the horrid sort of thing that happens on date rape
24 ‘ There 's no-one in the world that thinks more than I do about every goddam f—ing thing that happens with us . ’
25 gives us the other thing that happens with them that er an acid plus a carbonate gives you carbon dioxide as well as a salt and water .
26 And anything that goes in between those disturbs the beam and it causes an electric current to sound the alarm and it 's the same thing that happens with the er detectors .
27 We see our own dissatisfactions , our own pointless , unfocused longings in her and we are forced , because we are shown the terrible thing that happens to her , to question aspects of ourselves which might otherwise remain unexamined .
28 that 's the last major thing that happens to him .
29 I see things like senile dementia as being a direct result of restricted breathing over very many years — in 20 , 30 or 40 years you can do to yourself the same sort of thing that happens in an operating theatre if oxygen is withdrawn . ’
30 So what 's the other thing that happens round a discontinuity ?
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