Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun pl] make " in BNC.

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1 Thus it would be perfectly possible for a sexist to argue from the very findings reported in this chapter that women make poor leaders and high-pressure salespersons because of their lack of assertiveness , whereas they make good carers ( nurses , home helps and so on ) because of their sensitivity to the needs of other people in conversation .
2 That plant is probably still sitting by the desks of a number of influential food writers offering a constant reminder that oranges make an excellent ingredient in all kinds of cooking .
3 There is a common , whispered suspicion that lawyers make legal documents unecessarily long because they are paid by the word or by the inch .
4 There is evidence that sons make considerable efforts to provide support for their parents even when they are in straitened circumstances themselves .
5 Again there are two types of criticism that Keynesians make about this link .
6 The answer to this question is usually in terms of the boring , monotonous and repetitive nature of the work and the widespread belief that women make a more docile , patient ( long-suffering ? ) labour force , less likely to join unions and/or organize to improve their conditions .
7 This could either indicate that online services are failing to be useful , which is doubtful given the significant use that planners make of them , or that the online services have not lived up to the planners ' expectations .
8 Equally exhilarating are the slow circles across the sky that buzzards make on summer days .
9 In my experience , the major mistake that dieters make lies in deciding that they will exercise once they get slim , rather than starting to increase their physical activity as they start to diet .
10 The most common mistake that bands make on their first recording session is to be underrehearsed .
11 For instance , there is usually a starting assumption that individuals make history , at least by the sum of their actions and even if not quite as they intended it to be .
12 But the general proposition that human affairs must be understood from within does not require the assumption that individuals make history , except perhaps as a convenient device for identifying what calls for deeper understanding .
13 The most common statement that drivers make after an accident is , ‘ I never even saw him coming . ’
14 ( iv ) The Flehman posture is probably the most curious expression that horses make .
15 The aim of this study is to determine the economic and political factors which cause prices and incomes controls to be imposed and to determine their effects on economic variables taking into acount the possibility that decision-makers make informed guesses about the probability of the onset of controls and thus alter their behaviour from what it would otherwise have been .
16 The contribution that women make to families through their unpaid domestic labour , and the costs they incur in doing so in terms of lost current and future earnings , are inadequately recognised in the current financial arrangements following divorce .
17 Announcing the move in a Commons written reply , yesterday the Armed Forces Minister , Archie Hamilton , said : ‘ The organisation of army bands has been reviewed in order to ensure that the right numbers of bandsmen , providing music to the high standard expected , are employed in proportion to the army 's total size , and that the important contribution that bands make to the regimental system is retained . ’
18 It is quite right that we should recognise the contribution that authors make to our cultural and literary life .
19 Indeed the Lord Chancellor 's Department figures draw attention to the fact that solicitors make mistakes in court documentation and evinces the hope that improvements can be made in this respect .
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