Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 A glance at the corner where the copper stood , then at the doorway behind me , where the light fell on the gleaming worktops and new cupboards .
2 He had a white trace of toothpaste at the corner of his mouth .
3 This series , set in a Boston bar , had become the most popular television comedy of recent years ; and no character was more loved than the mop-headed Norm , whose seat at the corner of the bar seemed the only home he knew .
4 The men saw the blood at the corner of his mouth .
5 Not in those houses but there was a , an off-licence at the corner of Street , do you know where Street is ?
6 On the Pennyfarthing Street corner was James Garage which had been a Job Masters with a showroom at the corner .
7 As well as Lewis and Barnett there was Christine , Barnett 's secretary , who had a voice as hard as her nail varnish , and who made Tim run errands for her , fetching bacon rolls from the cafe at the corner , buying stamps or pints of milk .
8 Yesterday she had gone to the dingy little newsagent at the corner of the street to pay the paper bill , and to buy Matey a writing pad and envelopes , when she had seen on the counter a pile of postcards depicting society beauties .
9 By a strange twist of fate , the first Chilean to welcome Valenzuela to his new home in France was Castro , a ‘ Mirista ’ who was captured in broad daylight and stripped to his underwear back in December 1974 , while Valenzuela stood guard at the corner .
10 Outside a car revved up its engine as it changed up a gear only to screech to a halt at the corner and roar off again .
11 His shirt was n't clean and he had the beginnings of a pimple at the corner of his mouth and another about to burst above the knot of his cravat .
12 At lunch time half a dozen of us would go to a pub at the corner of Fitzroy Street and Euston Road .
13 He saw the ice at the corner of the window panes , the hard blueness of the sky was not a summer colour .
14 ‘ That the accident at the corner of … resolved … culprit apprehended … said Herr Nordern cleared of all suspicion … and etc. , and etc. , and etc. , And that 's that , ’ Marx said unemotionally as he folded the form and slid it back into the envelope .
15 She looked for sarcasm in his expression and spotted it , just for an instant , hidden in the slight curve at the corner of his mouth .
16 ‘ Lloyd George is right ! ’ he yelled from his cart at the corner of the Main Street .
17 Then winger Crawford Dobbin ran half the length of the pitch for the final score at the corner flag .
18 Every morning I went to buy a baguette at Bluot 's boulangerie at the corner of the road .
19 Tom was standing on the stone steps of the shop at the corner , waiting for him .
20 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
21 ‘ Sean had his shop at the corner of the Donegall Road and the Falls Road for 18 years and he was so well-known .
22 No aside the wee shop at the corner of Street .
23 ‘ Ah good , ’ he said cheerily , trying in a manly way to calm the frenzy of my wrath , ignoring the foam at the corners of my mouth .
24 Aunt Tossie had a faint dribble of desire at the corners of her mouth when , at length , she laid down the slate pencil and rose from her chair to face Mrs Geary , her companion in what was to be an immortal triumph : its finale that most acceptable of puddings before diets and regimens were conceived : a really beautiful Trifle .
25 In a room at a corner of the house a man fiddling with coffee cups looked up briefly , said good morning , and carried on fiddling .
26 N.Z. A Weak Heart : Roddie on his bike in the evening , with his hands in his pockets , doing marvels by that dark tree at the corner of May Street .
27 With a tiny shudder he passed the hard knot of tension from him then looked up again , a faint smile at the corners of his mouth .
28 I could just make out that she had a little smile at the corner of her lips .
29 Juliet visualised him standing in Sister 's office , his soft brown eyes concerned and tender , his curly brown hair a bit ruffled , a smile at the corner of his mouth .
30 For example the Oak at the corner of the restaurant is thought to be more than 600 years old .
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