Example sentences of "[noun sg] do not become " in BNC.

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1 Scarcity limited its purchase to the wealthy and quinine did not become available generally for the treatment of malaria for another two hundred years , when the Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies .
2 Foster parents are paid a weekly allowance that covers the basic costs of maintaining a child , but care is taken to see that fostering does not become a materially profitable exercise .
3 It is vital that your show-jumping horse does NOT become a habitual refuser at water jumps .
4 AROUND 3,000 white-collar jobs at British Coal are set to be axed and more pits could close if the industry does not become more competitive , the corporation 's chairman admitted yesterday .
5 Thus it is critically important that an antiviral agent does not become incorporated into the host 's nucleic acids , or those works too could be jammed , with devastating consequences .
6 This does not achieve the desired effect within a program because the CLI command does not become active until the next attempt to read a character from the keyboard .
7 An action does not become good simply because it is motivated by a good will , or by the right kind of ‘ thinking ’ , at least not in international relations .
8 The above stages should be clearly explained to the haulier by his lawyers so that a contested action does not become the sole preserve of the lawyers .
9 This would enable a tough general manager to ensure that medical audit did not become simply a talk shop or token activity .
10 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
11 For him the issue did not become live until well after the 1959 general election .
12 Slum clearance did not become fully operative until the subsidies were cancelled in 1933 .
13 However , it is important that after-care does not become a substitute for attendance at meetings of the Anonymous Fellowships or for actually working the suggested 12 Steps of recovery or for establishing a continuing relationship with a sponsor .
14 " The gospel does not become involved in the affairs of this world " , he told the protesting peasants of Swabia in 1525 .
15 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
16 In less productive ( oligotrophic ) lakes , such as Loch Ness , the hypoplimnion does not become depleted in oxygen .
17 The idea that there was a golden age of family obligations in the past was born out of a desire to ensure that increasing numbers of elderly people ( and other dependent groups ) in the population did not become too heavy a burden financially upon the wealthier classes ; hence the anxieties about whether working-class people had an adequate sense of ‘ filial affection ’ , which can be documented from at least the nineteenth century .
18 It appears that the plaintiff did not become aware of this breach of the order until 10 April 1990 .
19 It is a good idea to take a week 's break every month as skin brushing , like many natural detoxification techniques , is more effective if the body does not become too accustomed to it .
20 It is important that the design process does not become divorced from the end users .
21 Masturbation did not become respectable , but there was a new stress on its ability to rob adolescence of real fulfilment , and this was even echoed in the work of sex reformers such as Havelock Ellis and expressed in G. Stanley Hall 's two volumes on adolescence .
22 This concept did not become clear in Darwin 's mind until long after he had left the Galapagos .
23 It also underlines one of the main reasons why community education did not become a radical movement for social change .
24 Although originating in the universities , the new grassland ecology did not become a formal academic discipline , and flourished best among botanists with a practical concern for the problems experienced by the farmers who were interfering with the natural vegetation of the area .
25 Stodgill wrote ( 1948 ) ‘ A person does not become a leader by virtue of the possession of some combination of traits , but the pattern of personal characteristics of the leader must bear some relevant relationship to the characteristics , activities and goals of the followers ’ .
26 In many cases of defective buildings , however , the defect does not become apparent until many years after the building was completed .
27 The meat does not become tough as it would in conventional steaming , as it is not being immersed in water and it is gentle pressureless steam .
28 But the content does not become part of their own individual system of thought , enriching and widening it …
29 ‘ Gosh , yes , 29 : ‘ The ball does not become ‘ Dead ’ on the call of ‘ Wide Ball ’ ’ …
30 Although the countryside did not become completely agricultural because of the continuing importance of extractive industries and the tenacious existence of some manufacture in the agricultural ancillary trades , farming was unquestionably the mainstay of the rural economy .
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