Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [been] falling " in BNC.

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1 However , the value of this additional source of income has been falling in real terms over the last decade .
2 That increase resulted in the rest of the world overtaking the European Community , whose investment had been falling since 1987 , reaching an all-time low in 1991 , with a share of just over 3 per cent .
3 Dr Horn 's assessment is that by the 1790s the southern farm labourer 's standard of living had been falling for thirty years , and that an increase of around 85 per cent in money wages over the war years kept it just about level up to 1815 .
4 Depreciation 's been falling now for two or three years as our capital expenditure of depreciable assets has been falling indeed if you look at last year 's net of the nine million pounds purchase of the freehold to fourteen million the year before was only sixteen million erm so as the as the depreciation as the capital expenditure falls the depreciation will also fall that 's one reason .
5 In real terms , UK consumer borrowing has been falling through the period of the recession , in contrast to the experience at the beginning of the last decade when credit was deregulated .
6 ‘ Stand-to ’ , and a steady drizzle has been falling since 3 a.m .
7 In the 1980s , aggregate Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) has been roughly static , and per capita GDP has been falling at a time when net aid flows have been rising .
8 along when the rain has been falling .
9 Hassell , who joined the club only a few months before Tendulkar , added : ‘ When I arrived , membership had been falling for about seven years and we were ringing up companies to try to talk them into sponsorship .
10 The rain had been falling now for more than four hours .
11 Two evenings back Pete had found his front door open to the darkness , and the porch light on ; rain had been falling outside in a continuous silver curtain and in the sheltered area at the top of the steps , Alina 's shoes had lain discarded .
12 Italy did not raise rates because they were considered high enough already and its inflation has been falling .
13 Government figures show that although cases of serious river pollution have been falling recently , the overall quality of rivers and canals has deteriorated .
14 Britain 's growth rate has been one of the lowest of any major Western economy since 1961 , that Britain 's share of investment has been one of the two lowest , that Britain 's share of world trade has been falling while others have had rising shares and that Britain 's rate of inflation has been one of the fastest in the Western world .
15 Our share of world trade has been falling for years under successive governments to the extent that the purchasing power of our currency has roughly halved since 1945 .
16 The hon. Gentleman should also know that the average residential bill has been falling .
17 Equally — perhaps more seriously — the relative value of the basic pension has been falling because it has been related to prices , not incomes , so that unless steps are taken , by the year 2025 the value of the basic pension as a proportion of gross earnings could have fallen by half .
18 The local financial system has been drained of liquidity , interest rates have gone up and the stockmarket has been falling .
19 As with all computer technology the price of the necessary hardware and software has been falling dramatically and more and more manufacturers are starting to take seriously the idea of producing pen based computers for the mass market .
20 Industrial production has been falling in many of the world 's largest economies — over the last year it has fallen 2 per cent in Italy ; by 2.5 per cent in France ; by 6.5 per cent in Germany ; and by 7 per cent in Japan .
21 The item below that is the shortfall in planning application fees , this is application fees for er mineral extraction applications which are , these are set as a statutory charge erm we 've picked up in the budget monitoring reports which have been to previous committees that the from this source has been falling off , as a few words explain that in this paragraph .
22 2.5 Whilst the foregoing factors have created the need for more language teachers — teachers , moreover , who have been trained to cope with new challenges — the supply has been falling , to the point where they have been labelled in one study ‘ an endangered species ’ .
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