Example sentences of "[noun sg] in this field " in BNC.

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1 Because of the northern connection , it is entirely appropriate that the annual conference of the Consumer Credit Association of the UK — the largest trade association in this field — should be held in Chester .
2 ( Attempts by the Arts Council of Great Britain to ensure that a percentage of certain grants are spent on ‘ ethnic ’ projects have produced little result in this field . )
3 The study draws together the results of five years ' work by the investigator and the findings of the ESRC 's extensive research programme in this field to provide the first comprehensive account of central-local relationships in the UK for nearly twenty years .
4 The Woolworths chain was a pioneer in this field .
5 A third reason for the accelerating rate of advance in neuroscience is that there are simply larger numbers of better funded people engaged in research in this field today than ever before .
6 To identify gaps in past and present research in this field .
7 There has then little clinical research in this field , although a recent paper from appeared in Aviation and Space Medicine .
8 This chapter continues the discussion of the relationships between research , policy and practice , demonstrating that political interests and values may pervade these relationships and that approaches to and uses of research in this field may need to be rethought .
9 Henri Giller traces changes in the relationships between researchers and policy makers in England and Wales over 25 years , and examines some of the main threads of research in this field .
10 He stressed that there are few serious collections of Indian miniatures in private hands in Britain ; notable among these are the artist Howard Hodgkin 's , and the collection built up by the late William Archer , also a former V&A Keeper , who carried out much of the early research in this field in the 1950s .
11 The motivation for research in this field may be applied ( e.g. the development of human-computer interfaces , machine translation systems , information retrieval , etc. ) or theoretical ( e.g. the investigation of grammars proposed by theoretical linguists ) .
12 But much more bridging research in this field is needed so that we can get beyond pious exhortation to tested procedures that have been shown to work in the classroom as well as in the laboratory .
13 Up to then there had been little or no solid research in this field and the facts as to sexual elements in British society were still arcane .
14 Most of the recent research in this field has concentrated on school-leavers ' job aspirations .
15 In order to fully inform such study there is a need for more research in this field .
16 SERC commitment to the subject has ensured that the UK has a strong , possibly pre-eminent , place in research in this field .
17 Future research in this field should also attempt to assess attributions before the more chronic and severe symptoms set in .
18 Pavlov , Thorndike and Skinner are particularly well known for their research in this field of psychology , though Pavlov himself was a physiologist .
19 The University has long been a leading centre for research in this field , and just over a year ago Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre ( EPCC ) was established to focus further on these issues .
20 Most research in this field has concentrated upon areas of recreation potential or development outside urban areas , or in activity spaces such as parks .
21 The main aim of the programme is to improve British understanding of the nature and sources of Soviet foreign policy , particularly in Europe , by expanding scholarly research in this field and facilitating discussion between academics and practitioners , thus fostering a more informed public debate on this key policy issue .
22 Unfortunately , no effective gall bladder plug has been developed despite considerable research in this field .
23 Further research in this field is currently aimed at elucidating the precise mechanism(s) that regulate each of these factors and at determining their influence on hepatocyte-matrix interaction and thus their importance in liver injury .
24 However it is the quantitative measures which have so far dominated research in this field , and which will provide the basis for this review .
25 An account of United States practice in this field is well beyond the scope of this work .
26 Uneven demographic distribution , diplomatic and military considerations , the location of major industries , commercial relations , cultural influences and the centralization of political and administrative power in either St Petersburg or Moscow ( ancient and modern ) have all helped to ensure that cis-Uralian Russia has enjoyed a near-monopoly of European and North American scholarship in this field .
27 The figure in this field is used by LIFESPAN to calculate the number of blocks which are free or in use , as displayed at option 9.3.0 — Update Availability of Media .
28 A pioneering and influential study in this field was carried out at the University of Birmingham by Sinclair and Coulthard ( 1975 ) .
29 She wrote a well-received history of her old school for the Essex Record Office and is working on a local history having followed up her study in this field by taking the London University Diploma in Local History .
30 The 1964–70 Labour government found that its alliance with the trade unions limited scope for action in this field .
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