Example sentences of "[noun sg] and twice [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you use mirror from floor to ceiling and at right angles to a window or opposite a window it will give you twice the light and twice the view .
2 Fourteen years The tenant will be entitled ( in certain circumstances ) to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , equal to the production of the appropriate multiplier and twice the rateable value of the holding if : ( 1 ) during the whole of the fourteen years immediately preceding the termination of his tenancy , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if during those fourteen years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was the successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
3 At their cheapest video links can be made with £35,000 of equipment and twice the cost of a phone call .
4 He suggests using a deep-conditioning treatment once a week for dry hair and twice a month for oily hair .
5 Twice she has been a semi-finalist and twice a quarter-finalist .
6 Women smokers have a higher incidence of miscarriage and premature labour ; their infants have higher perinatal mortality , slower physical and mental development and twice the risk of cot death after other factors ( such as social class ) have been accounted for .
7 " Four times a night and twice every afternoon , she said , 'still I do n't have baby . "
8 Er I think er if the honourable gentleman checks the record he will find that my right honourable friend said that America did not have a national statutory minimum wage but I 'm most I 'm most grateful to the honourable gentleman for reminding us of the international comparisons because he will know that the country in Europe which has embraced his policy of a statutory minimum wage is Spain and Spain has twice the level of unemployment of the European average and twice the level in this country .
9 There are one or two awards that not everyone would bust a gut to win , but IBM Corp 's Personal Software Products unit is proud to announce that the OS/2 2.0 operating system has been awarded the Computer Language Jolt Cola Award for Product Excellence : we 're advised that Jolt is the cola that has five times the sugar and twice the caffeine of regular cola — and the connection with computers ?
10 If made up in the form of a roll : 1040mm for the length and twice the diameter combined , and 900mm for the greater dimension .
11 BELLE ROBERTSON , one of the most famous British lady golfers since the war , seven times a Curtis Cup player and twice the non-playing captain of the international team , was the leading invited amateur at the prestigious Formby Ladies am-am tournament and was asked to present the prizes .
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