Example sentences of "[noun sg] of twice [art] " in BNC.

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1 One advantage of the correction of twice the number of degrees off track , is that it produces the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle .
2 Much of the savings , in the official view , will arise from the new structure 's needs for fewer managers , but even that is less than convincing for there is great scope for an increase in bureaucracy , from the need to dispatch the business deriving from the newly acquired functions to the formation of twice the number of existing education , roads and social work departments . ’
3 It is 9cm ( 3 ½in ) deep and needs fabric fullness of twice the length of the curtain fixture .
4 It is most suitable for lightweight curtains , nets and café curtains , and requires a fullness of twice the length of the curtain fixture , but this is adjustable .
5 These headings need a minimum fullness of twice the track length and calculations should be treated in the same way as for pinch pleat heading , but allowing for more pleats ( ‘ tubes ’ ) of a smaller size and closer spacing .
6 The same force on a rod of twice the area will not deform by — but by — /2.;
7 The amount of fabric fullness required is variable and although a minimum of twice the length of the curtain fixture is satisfactory , two and a quarter to two and a half times fullness is preferable to achieve a well-balanced , attractive pleating arrangement .
8 With pinch pleats between the scallops , a minimum of twice the pole length is necessary .
9 This figure should be a minimum of twice the value of interest charged on all borrowed funds .
10 UK has the highest marriage rate in Europe and a divorce rate of twice the european average
11 By making the beam double back on itself in this way , Philips achieves an effective throw of twice the length of the tube .
12 The local authority fixes the amount subject to a maximum of twice the personal community charge .
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