Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun pl] required " in BNC.

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1 One year 's seeding really does mean seven years ' weeding , when we consider the succession of seasons required for astronomical numbers of poppy seeds to decay to zero .
2 They would need to hold together their Republican support while detaching sufficient numbers of conservative Democrats to fashion the succession of majorities required .
3 The test will check the presence and condition of mirrors required by law to be fitted .
4 This hands-on experience helped Lorne talk his way into a production assistant 's job at the BBC in London , where he was exposed to the broader spectrum of skills required to get a film on the air .
5 A review of the current accommodation and food and beverage operations and an assessment of changes required in the light of the proposed conversion to timeshare operation
6 He also felt that the level of PCBs required to kill a dolphin would have affected other species also .
7 The complexity of the job will to some extent dictate the level of personnel required , and detailed consideration should be given to the optimum staff structure .
8 Sir Nicholas drew encouragement from the low level of provisions required on mortgages granted to retail customers which he said underlined the reliability of the TSB 's traditional customer base .
9 Most UK universities publicly aspire to such intensive provision — e.g. 1:1 ratio of workstations:academics , 1:4 for research students , and 1:10 and then 5 for undergraduates — but are finding the level of resources required to achieve and sustain such provision very difficult to engineer in an environment of devolved budgets and uneven ‘ soft money ’ distribution .
10 This is less than the 90 per cent level of acceptances required for a compulsory sale of minority interests under CA 1985 , s429 following a takeover offer .
11 These are as follows : ( 1 ) The 75 per cent approval requirement ( see above ) is greater than the 50+ per cent level of acceptances required to obtain a controlling interest under a conventional offer .
12 ( 4 ) In the case of an offer which , if accepted in full , would result in the offeror holding shares carrying over 50 per cent of the target 's voting rights , the condition relating to the level of acceptances required ( " the acceptance condition " ) may be set above the minimum required by Rule 10 ( which is over 50 per cent of the target 's voting rights ) .
13 The level of marks required for entrance to secondary school is a very closely guarded secret and seldom officially revealed .
14 Indeed the type of enterprise envisaged will normally determine the kind of premises required .
15 One might imagine , perhaps wrongly , that there would have been few craftsmen who either alone or in a group would at any one time have been capable of producing such an item because of the variety of skills required in its production .
16 The majority of items required on an everyday basis such as food , clothing , building materials , fuel and water , were either to be found locally or were produced on the farm .
17 by redesigning the provision of facilities required by the population ; and
18 Option II presented on page 20 of the Policy Issues Paper , on which draft MPG6 is based , seeks to reduce the proportion of aggregates required from land won supplies in Wales and England by encouraging a dramatic growth in new supplies from coastal super quarries .
19 Option II presented on page 20 of the Policy Issues Paper , on which draft MPG6 is based , seeks to reduce the proportion of aggregates required from land won supplies in Wales and England by encouraging a dramatic growth in new supplies from coastal super quarries .
20 Thus , in March 1990 , Christine set out for Heathrow with a stack of documents required by the Romanian authorities , and little idea of what awaited her .
21 He determines the type of activities required and their timing .
22 The difficulty with all these forecasts is that the type of skills required depends on decisions made by managers about the way in which work is organised around the technology , and we thus come back to the problem identified with forecasts made about the impact of new technology on society .
23 This is a usually unconscious , and therefore very powerful , negative collusion between teaching centres who are anxious to fill places ( there have been instances of courses to train interpreters to below A level standard lasting six weeks ) , service providers who really do not understand the level and type of skills required and have no strategies to locate them and unqualified interpreters who feel their jobs are threatened .
24 Another solution is the so-called " high-level assembler language " , or " machine-oriented high-level language " ( Van der Poel and Maarssen 1974 ) , for example BCPL ( Richards 1969 ) and PL360 ( Wirth 1968 ) which provides such high-level facilities as block structure and loop control , but with some concessions to the type of manipulations required at the machine level .
25 What the system does do is to provide a continuous flow of information to the selector about the type of books required by the library and the number of books of each type , and it is on this information that the bibliographical decisions are based .
26 So I feel the County Council have n't sufficient reflected in their assumption on migration rates , the degree of reductions required to obtain that balance between er preserving their strategic policies of restraint and respecting erm the urban regeneration policies in neighbouring areas .
27 In fact , the level of independence of inputs required for this sort of system to produce double dissociations is only likely to be achieved if it is composed of complementary modules .
28 The pupil can : 7a compute using a measure , no equivalence of units required ; 7b compute using a measure , equivalence of units required .
29 The pupil can : 7a compute using a measure , no equivalence of units required ; 7b compute using a measure , equivalence of units required .
30 Difficulties will emerge later unless considerable thought is given at this stage to the appropriate range of skills required and the consequent problems of interdisciplinary communication .
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