Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [vb past] myself " in BNC.

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1 Oddly enough , in the next murder case I found myself investigating , Geoffrey was to play a small , terminal part , the effects of which were slightly to take the gilt from my findings .
2 It took me all day to convince my mother that there had been a change , but by the next afternoon I found myself flat on my back in the hospital again with injunctions not to move .
3 Upstairs in my apartment I bought myself a drink .
4 Using the ME-6 through a valve combo I found myself trying to squeeze more tone out of all the distortion settings , something I do n't ever remember trying to do with BOSS 's DS1 compact distortion pedal which , for some reason , I assumed the overdrive on the ME-6 would emulate .
5 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
6 As a music lover I found myself in search of the ultimate sound — and I do n't mean loud boomy bass .
7 Once having framed the thought in my mind that I was a lesbian I found myself unable to keep silent about it .
8 Although sympathetic to this heresy I found myself intoxicated but also somewhat inhibited by de Santillana 's impressionistic style .
9 I closed the book hastily and sat thinking , trying to apply my discovery to the murderous maze I found myself lost in .
10 When I got back to base , instead of being welcomed as the returning hero I thought myself to be , I was asked what had taken me so long .
11 The moment I felt myself slipping back into that sad , old routine , I jerked myself back to the reality of the moment .
12 I looked up and saw a big-ribbed canopy of light pink and white descending over me , and the next moment I felt myself drawn downward , feet first , and I realised that I was being swallowed by a whale .
13 At that moment I glimpsed myself in a shop window and was pleased with what I saw .
14 My father looked really ghostly in the light from the street , and for a moment I found myself thinking : He is a ghost .
15 You will not jeopardise that job I perjured myself to get for you by a vagrancy charge tonight of all nights .
16 It was definitely time to say farewell and stepping down from the canal at that point I found myself on the very street of my son 's house .
17 At this point I found myself wondering how anything so ugly could be so beautiful for believe me that one cat had stirred a new urge in me , the excitement of catching something totally new .
18 Neither of us wanted to rush things but after a while I told myself , do n't be stupid , she 's special — go for it . ’
19 He told them , ‘ Everyone had a codename in those days and , because of my admiration for the Irish struggle for Independence , I chose ‘ Michael ’ , a name I called myself after Michael Collins . ’
20 For some reason ( and I really ca n't remember what I was doing there ) one day I found myself rather out of order at the opening of a new leather shop in Hoxton .
21 Then one day I found myself sitting in a packed car and we were away and moving into a new house in a place called Tintagel .
22 Every day I considered myself lucky to get home from school without serious injury .
23 On the appointed day I presented myself at the villa .
24 One day I uncovered myself in front of him , stroked my body , my breasts , my ass .
25 At the top I found myself in a wide gallery looking down onto the floor below .
26 On the Scottish cruise I distinguished myself by bending our port propeller on a rock in the Caledonian Canal whilst negotiating a shallow bend , and although we could still use the bent prop I was very conscious of the faux pas with our Chairman on board .
27 Then , it was elbow-dodging for the first few hundred yards , but after a mile I found myself in front .
28 Alter that night I threw myself into the struggle on Mrs Rumney 's behalf .
29 One horrible night I found myself crouched at the door , listening for sounds of pain which would have given me pleasure , sounds of pleasure that would have hurt .
30 One night I promised myself a hot water bottle , a basket of marzipan fruits and a video .
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