Example sentences of "[noun sg] it appears that " in BNC.

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1 To the outsider it appears that when change of any kind is required , the NHS is so structured as to resemble a " mobile " : designed to move with any breath of air , but which in fact never changes its position and gives no clear indication of direction .
2 However , in practice it appears that the court has a discretion to allow the case to continue as if begun under Ord. 53 provided this will not unfairly deprive the respondent of some protection which would have been enjoyed if the case had been begun under Ord. 53 .
3 Although , in principle , an increase in the real wage rate could raise the supply of labour significantly , in practice it appears that the ‘ underlying ’ supply of labour is fairly inelastic with respect to the real wage rate .
4 At first glance it appears that Braudel has merely hit on a convenient fashion of dividing up the past , to bring it under control and make it easier for historians to encompass .
5 At first glance it appears that the government has not been particularly successful in bringing about reductions in local government expenditure .
6 In effect it appears that the pension has been assessed both as income and capital .
7 Whatever the physiological stimulus to platelet aggregation and thrombus formation it appears that it is the fissuring of an atheromatous plague often with extrusion of plaque lipid contents which triggers thrombus formation ( Bouch & Montgomery , 1970 ) .
8 It has been suggested that in some countries where capital punishment has been abolished the alternative is the imprisonment of murderers under more rigorous conditions than are applicable to other prisoners , but from the information collected by the Select Committee it appears that this suggestion is unfounded .
9 In the case of exercise it appears that the body becomes addicted to the endorphins it produces to ameliorate the pain and stress .
10 ( The libretto of Le Guy de chesne specified groups of shepherds and shepherdesses in the final pages , then a druidic march , then the ceremony , and lastly ‘ des danses vives et agreables ’ ) Indeed , it might have been the composer , Laruette , who acted as conducteur from the singers ' names in the libretto it appears that he did not sing a solo role in his own opéra .
11 In the slow process it appears that exercise of a particular type strengthens , or at least preserves , the system 's response to that type of stimulus .
12 In the present climate it appears that for teachers to be thinking about their own educational ideals is at the very least a waste of time , and more than likely an additional source of upset .
13 However , when there was a conflict it appears that both interpretations were considered , and that it took a considerable amount of time to resolve the conflict .
14 On present evidence it appears that Classical Greek craftsmen were the first to employ enamel , but that it was the Byzantine Greeks who carried the craft to a new level of accomplishment in the service of the imperial court and the rituals of eastern Christianity .
15 From the evidence it appears that narrow intergenerational patterns of deprivation have been exaggerated : family failure is best understood in the context of the larger problem of social class .
16 During the miners ' strike , for example it appears that the NRC could deploy some 13,000 police officers in a total of 416 PSUs .
17 We know little of how the Politburo reached its decisions-it did not produce a Richard Crossman — although some information has been provided by members in the glasnost period ( for example it appears that , as in the British Cabinet , formal votes were rarely taken ) .
18 On the basis of a crude comparison it appears that the prevalence of known opioid use has decreased by up to 400 cases .
19 Although only using watercolour it appears that Green imitates the technique of painting boulders .
20 Even when the use of general attentional resources is required from the subject it appears that the amount of cognitive effort does not directly determine the quality of memory ( Mitchell & Hunt , 1989 ) .
21 At first sight it appears that the presumption of continuity was formally rejected by Article 16 of the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties .
22 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
23 But in the present case it appears that there was no sufficient evidence .
24 To the sensor it appears that all the energy has been reflected from point P on the ground whereas , in fact , it has not , because some has been scattered within the atmosphere and has never reached the ground at all .
25 At Present it appears that advocates of big spending programmes , expanding the public sector , inflation-risking policies , and increasing state control over the economy are in a minority .
26 At present it appears that local authorities can draw up individual access arrangements with the new owners , but this is not a satisfactory solution , partly because some authorities may not have the motivation to do so , and partly because they are all very short of money and could not back up the agreements financially .
27 With one of the highest rates of college and university entry in the world it appears that those who get to elite positions , do so through individual effort , and merit is thus properly rewarded .
28 On the other hand it appears that on occasions drivers may have no memory at all for road signs which they have just seen or for relatively complex manoeuvres which they have only just performed .
29 During analysis it appears that they often become involved with women who are attached to another man , and that they are unconsciously seeking to re-create the early family situation .
30 From this analysis it appears that the term ‘ accountability ’ is only strictly correct when reference is made to contractual relations with employers .
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