Example sentences of "[noun sg] be to give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And erm the we are given or they h one of the reasons or the purposes behind Confirmation is to give us the strength to use the gifts which God 's al has already given us .
2 My only alternative is to give it slack line , laying the rod in the rests and hoping it will swim out of its own accord .
3 His only concession to emotion was to give his shirt to one of the ball-boys — a valuable memento for one German lad .
4 His reply was to give her a sharp pull forward and then a shove in the back , which knocked her to her knees .
5 The alternative was to give it to them in 50 crates . ’
6 The whole point of investing this money on auditing is to give us possible feed back . .
7 Midnight Cowboy was to give him his first chance in over fifteen years to regain respect in the business .
8 Our only aim is to give you ever more news and views from some of the outstanding writers on the game .
9 My great aim is to give you a periodical which you will not throw aside as soon as read , but which you will value and look over years hence as an old familiar friend , when you may be battling with the realities of life under the suns of India , in the backwoods of Canada or the United States , or the grassy downs of Australia , over the wide Ocean among the isles of the Pacific , or on the distant shores of Columbia .
10 Our aim is to give your intermediate students a fuller understanding of natural spoken English , and the British way of life today .
11 One good way of starting the dreaming process is to give yourself a physical check-up .
12 ‘ Did you or did you not say that the purpose of my presence here this evening was to give you information about my work ? ’
13 It is well written and interestingly , Warner is publishing it as an original B format and its gimmick to bring it above the rest is to give it a dust jacket .
14 The object was to give them a sense of purpose and once they were harnessed to that proposition , they policed themselves , so to speak .
15 Hitherto , Blackpool 's aim had been to crush-load its trams to bursting-point , now the object was to give them a comfortable ride for their money .
16 Carrie was taken by surprise at his question and her first instinct was to give him a sharp reply , but she nodded instead , catching the look of concern in Don 's deep brown eyes .
17 If the woman was to give her any information , it must be now .
18 Konrad Adenauer had already suggested that West Germany should be allowed the means to defend itself , and that the surest way of winning the population over to a massive commitment to democracy was to give it a stake in the responsibility of defending Western Europe .
19 I think Stan Collimore 's just said to the ref to the linesman on this side you know I started my run from m my half of the field but that would be a dangerous game to play against somebody with his pace is to give him too much space at the back of him .
20 If your efforts at feeding and cultivation are designed to make your roses happy , there are plenty of creatures and other life forms about whose objective is to give them hell .
21 For the Spirit 's work in assurance is to give us a firm foundation to build on , not to make us arrogant ; the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Spirit 's internal witness enable us to be sure without being cocksure .
22 His positive contribution in this sphere was to give his characters the ability to " speak " In a special sense — to debate and to philosophize .
23 Do n't feel depressed if movement is slow … the most important thing is to give yourself , the parents and the children time . ’
24 These explanations are crucial for parents and teachers who are trying to understand the thinking which underlies the attainment targets and programmes of study ; a main reason why I have written this book is to give our rationale a wider audience .
25 The purpose of the rest of this book is to give you the information you need to compile the missing nutritional manual that will tell you what is just right for your body .
26 The last kind of strategy for denying responsibility is to give it away to someone else .
27 And I think one might go on to argue that far from saving labour it creates it — that its function is to give one the task of understanding it .
28 But if neither is sufficient to bring my performance up to the level of the other person then my optimific course is to give his decision pre-emptive force .
29 Engineers know that the way to make something that resists damage is to give it a modular structure .
30 Pious it may sound , but I do actually believe that there is a sense in which a group of students do collectively know much of what they need to know about learning : the problem of the PGCE year is to give them confidence that they know ; and the experience that knowing they can successfully act on their knowledge .
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