Example sentences of "[noun sg] be either the " in BNC.

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1 It was stated frequently by solicitors that the effective choice of solicitor by the unrepresented defendant is either the duty solicitor or a named or identifiable solicitor .
2 So at the end of each appointment you want a result and a result is either the business or introductions , hopefully both so I hang on the importance again .
3 The accounting period adopted by most companies in the construction industry is either the last working day of the calendar month or the last day of the calendar month .
4 Anybody who disagrees with giving the pensioners the right to watch T V without having to pay a licence charge is either the English football manager hoping to God nobody sees the team playing , or is a Norwegian player wanting to protect our old older members of the community from an early grave .
5 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
6 The woman is either the temptress or is lying about her consent .
7 The ‘ Fair Value ’ of a transaction is either the value obtained between a willing buyer and a willing seller or the valuation required in the particular circumstances ;
8 Similarly , the operative yield is either the yield to maturity or the yield to relevant call depending on whether the bond is trading above or below par .
9 DEPENDING ON one 's view of the future , the Treaty on European Union is either the high-water mark or the latest bench-mark of European Federalism .
10 My greatest contribution to human happiness was either the decision to abolish the cartel on cross-channel ferries or , less delicately , the decision to abolish monopoly price fixing for condoms .
11 The most common causes of infection are either the use of endoscopic equipment contaminated with nosocomial pathogens or spread of host derived bacteria after instrumentation of an obstructed biliary tree .
12 The cause was either the butane gas heater or the electric lead lamp Mr Whitley had been using under the car , or both , setting fire to petrol vapours .
13 ‘ Now that I think about it , back home Prince is either the name of a rock singer — or a dog , ’ Caroline said slowly .
14 Well the funding is either the initial funding was a fairly brave thing by the Archaeological Trust from its own funds .
15 Our patient is either the greatest actress since Bernhardt , or we 've got the wrong girl in there . ’
16 It may be that a federated structure is either the best long-term , or the best short-term , structure .
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