Example sentences of "[noun sg] be both [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Medical Research Council and National Radiological Protection Board are both contenders .
2 On the other side were both conservatives such as Jesse Helms , a Republican from North Carolina , and liberal Democrats such as Paul Sarbanes from Maryland .
3 The driver and the large man in the front seat were both members of the Special Branch .
4 ‘ The boys in the coffee bar are both Greeks .
5 The Butler Education Act and the Family Allowances Act were both measures of the Conservative-dominated wartime coalition .
6 Where the purchaser and seller are both clients of the firm , their attention should be drawn to this fact at an early stage of the preliminary discussions concerning the proposed transaction .
7 A revealing refinement in collecting membership data is to take notice of the number of full families ( where husband and wife are both Christians ) in the total as distinct from part families ( where only one partner is Christian ) ( McGavran 1970:92 ) .
8 Gerry Forte 's practical skills and James Lindsay 's literary knowledge are both assets to Christian Aid .
9 Thus , although raising and lengthening of /ε/; and backing of /a/ are both changes associated with modern Central Scots , the former is at present led in Belfast by females and the latter by males .
10 BEEZY MARSH meets the candidates in Stockton South and finds age and sex are both issues
11 Apart from what might constitute these culinary delights it has not gone unremarked that karate and bonsai are both parts of the culture of Japan .
12 James Caunce , Mayor of St Helens , said : ‘ I joined the march because my father and grandfather were both miners and we need to fight to preserve Parkside and all those men 's jobs .
13 Poverty and prosperity are both characteristics of the Kingdom .
14 ‘ The couple were both atheists , ’ she explains .
15 People stared , not because they were strangers but because the couple were both men .
16 Thus the vagabond , the adventurer , the spendthrift , the bohemian are dominated by the desire for new experience , but so are the inventor and scientist ; adventurers with women and the tendency to domesticity are both expressions of the desire for response ; vain ostentation and creative artistic work both are designed to provoke recognition ; avarice and business enterprise are actuated by the desire for security .
17 Where the purchaser and target are both clients of the firm , their attention should be drawn to this fact at the earliest possible stage .
18 Some of the marriages could certainly be described as taking place within the traditional milieu of the skilled working class : thus Flora H. , daughter of a blacksmith , married the son of a cabinet maker ( bride and groom were both compositors ) .
19 Erm they began the union just before I left Bellany and of course it was cried down and erm they had meetings and the lot , and then all the miners were on strike at the time , and er my father and brother were both miners and er my brother was very friendly with Mr and Mr next door and er anyway er we decided to come out on strike for Bellany 's union and of course erm they , the , one , I think it was Mr said Joey he said er did you know we 're out on strike here and my brother said it seemed to be catching does n't it he did n't say he could n't say I worked there you see but erm it , it caused an upset but still up to a point the unions were good because we 're all badly underpaid for what we did , and the hours we worked they would n't tolerate it nowadays , but erm I forget er I joined the union and if you did n't you were a blackleg you know you , they wanted you to join the union from then I 've been in the union all , until I finished work but erm they , they got us our rises and er as I say the , the money was n't er very good and then the union did fight for the rises and they 'd got to pay it or lose all the er employees but erm I was , I was satisfied with without it , I 've been satisfied with my life you know I 've had , there 's been humorous there 's been sad but erm I 'm still able to get around and that 's the main thing .
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