Example sentences of "[noun sg] responsible for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the Lincoln Electric Company in the USA made each employee responsible for his own supplies ( both purchasing and control ) and for setting the quality and quantity of his own output .
2 In the event of a personal accident , immediate assistance should be sought from the member of staff trained in first aid responsible for your area .
3 If it did sail against him , Cnut presumably took appropriate measures , and contrary winds need not have been the only force responsible for its repulse .
4 Not making a decision leaves fate responsible for what happens .
5 The young corporal , it should perhaps be pointed out , was also a Grant , but indeed with the recommendation of his own officers he was to a great degree responsible for his own advancement to commissioned rank , and this kind of promotion for gallantry was by no means an isolated example , for a considerable number of non-commissioned officers of suitable education , many of them Scots , reached the junior commissioned ranks .
6 Indeed , during the observation period of various teaching units using computer programs we have seen the units used on many occasions in a very different fashion to that envisaged by the development team responsible for their design .
7 These changes in genetic information are passed on to offspring , a process responsible for what the neo-Darwinists call natural selection .
8 He learned that that school would shortly be closing : the Roman Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury , as the body responsible for its denominational education in Stockport , planned to build a new comprehensive secondary school in Cheadle , St. James 's , and to convert St. Michael 's on Nangreave Road into a Sixth Form College .
9 Without these two crucial procedures Champagne would not be the sophisticated product it is today , yet we can not trace the precise date when they first occurred , nor identify any particular person responsible for their innovation .
10 The packings must also be marked in such a way as to enable the person responsible for their movements to be identified ; that person must undertake to supply any Customs officer with any information that may be necessary to ensure the proper application of this simplified procedure .
11 Yesterday Mr Newman 's girlfriend appealed for help in finding the person responsible for what police called the ‘ maniacal ’ killing of Mr Newman .
12 A local authority does not acquire parental responsibility under an interim supervision order but the order may require the child or the person responsible for him to comply with the supervisor 's directions .
13 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
14 And the person responsible for our batting success was the Smallholder .
15 Why not make the most of it and call the Action Team , they 'll put you in touch with the person responsible for your area call them now on 031-557-3194 during office hours .
16 So if you have any queries call the Action Team on 031-557-3194 during office hours and they will put you in touch with the person responsible for your area .
17 I think that a possible abortion should be consulted with a Family Planning Officer and doctors before a decision is reached but it should be the woman 's final choice because she is the person responsible for herself and child .
18 No action has been initiated or is being contemplated by the club , although Ben 's father , Roger , who is also chairman of SCRFC , has engaged solicitors independently of the rugby club to determine if there was any negligence responsible for his son 's injuries .
19 It is surely time that students , as adults in part responsible for their own higher education , were formally accorded the rights and academic respect they deserve , and the social relations between teacher and taught were made more equal .
20 For example , the Chairman of the Board of Guardians for St Giles in East London considered that widows must be held in part responsible for their own condition : ‘ After the lapse of a certain number of years , when a widow has had the opportunity of showing providence on her own account , I think you may separate her from her late husband , but not immediately after his death ’ .
21 The tact that the effect survives a contextual change so readily encourages acknowledgement of the possibility that a non-associative process ( such as differentiation is presumed to be ) may be in part responsible for it .
22 Is the great writer responsible for his disciples ?
23 I think we found as I say there are work demanding which is probably the nineteen nineties are an increasingly well educated , skilled and flexible workforce responsible for it 's services policy and safety environment , the strategy in programmes for those page twenty one .
24 Margaret McLaren , Britannia Life 's American investments manager responsible for their top-performing £15m fund , said : ‘ We still look favourably on the American market which generally rises in an election year but is down so far this year .
25 Coinage was a pervasive symbol of the authority responsible for its issue .
26 After the Reformation these traditions were regularized in a unique Poor Law which made each parish responsible for its own poor , and obliged it to finance its aid by levying a poor rate on its inhabitants .
27 ‘ At the chateau are a number of officials : Sir John Dacourt , our ambassador ; his chief clerk , Walter Peckle ; Doctor Thomas Throgmorton , physician ; Michael Millet , personal assistant and clerk to Sir John Dacourt ; and the man responsible for our agents … or rather , who was , Giles Falconer .
28 He argues that freedom of choice makes a man responsible for his actions while the capacity to reason about those choices places him under a continuing obligation to take responsibility for those actions .
29 The FRISC chip , which also gave its name to the operation responsible for it , had reportedly reached working silicon and was being put on graphics cards and SBus accelerators for the Sun marketplace when Micron pulled the plug .
30 Why do n't we make central government responsible for everything ?
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