Example sentences of "[noun sg] suggest [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
2 Its rather strange style finds its nearest parallels in the third quarter of the century , and primitive elements in the technique suggest that it is an early piece of its kind .
3 Clinical trials using calcipotriol suggest that it is a safe and effective topical treatment for psoriasis vulgaris .
4 Accounts of their trial suggest that it took the form of a political witch-hunt , with the intention of intimidating other critics of the government .
5 In contrast , antibodies against C/EBPδ ( 27 ) completely abolish the IL-6 induced complex suggesting that it contains C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β .
6 Contrary to some of the conclusions drawn from social scientific research suggesting that it is primarily home or family backgrounds that determines the level of educational performance , Edmonds proceeds to identify those characteristics of effective schools delivering marked improvements in children 's educational achievements .
7 The common use of the prepositions in and out in connection with the mind suggest that it is conceptualised as a container . )
8 We do not know how this activated state is subsequently maintained throughout the healing process , although the final overrun and pile-up suggest that it takes some time to switch off .
9 The controversy surrounding the overall record of the Thatcher administration suggests that it has had a major impact .
10 After all , the median voter rule suggests that it is the way in which the middle two voters in the income distribution vote that determines the outcome of a rich or poor majority .
11 But the scale of recruitment to the revolutionary underground suggests that it can not be explained in terms of individual maladjustment .
12 For example , a close reading of the entry ‘ Maître de musique ’ in Meude-Monpas 's dictionary suggests that it was written with the art of Pierre-Montan Berton ( 1727-80 ) in mind : the article concludes with a eulogy to him as ‘ a sovereign master of the orchestra ’ , i.e. at the Paris Opera from 1755 .
13 The After Redundancy study suggests that it was those on the demand side and , in the first instance , the redundancy itself .
14 From this pilot study I can not say yes or no , but what I can say is that this pilot study suggests that it will
15 The talks took place as a new union study suggested that it would cost more in the long-term to close pits than to keep most of them open .
16 The failure of these assumptions to hold in practice suggests that it would be unsafe to rely on markets as a substitute for all other forms of control .
17 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
18 The Arrow Impossibility Theorem suggests that it may be futile to attempt to build it up from reasonable democratic assumptions ( see chapter 4 ) .
19 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
20 For example , our research suggests that it would be doubtful if the kinds of front-line care , including family planning services , that are being provided in rural areas of Indonesia and India would be as acceptable or effective without the participation of village-level workers who are familiar with the local language , culture , religion , and way of life .
21 To represent the dependence of the world upon God it is a classic error to suggest that it is like a car that requires an initial shove down the street and thereafter runs of its own accord .
22 Recent analysis of the impact of retirement on personal adjustment suggests that it is less aversive than many have assumed .
23 For example , lesions involving the pretectum can produce a deficit in normal brightness discrimination ( Legg 1988 ) but other work suggests that it is the area rostral to the pretectum that is critical for residual brightness discrimination ( Cooper , Battistella , and Rath 1981 ) .
24 The parameter Φ was originally considered to be a universal constant , but experimental work suggests that it is a function of the solvent , molar mass , and heterogeneity .
25 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
26 Although the wording of the Act suggests that it could be used in cases of abuse , it seems that there is such a general sense of unease about the law as it stands that some new and especially designed statute will be necessary for effective provision .
27 The plan suggests that it would be a delusion to assume that these immigrants would shed their values for Shetland ones .
28 Although a trial judge might exclude evidence on the ground of fairness under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the fact that Parliament had incorporated the provisions of s 2(8) into the 1987 Act suggested that it had not felt that the power under the 1984 Act was sufficient to protect a person from being compelled to give evidence .
29 One type suggests that it is simply the frequencies with which the separate features occur ; a ‘ prototype ’ is often said to be formed from the most commonly occurring features ( thus we form mental prototypes of dog , tree , car , and so on ) .
30 The other type suggests that it is the relations between features that is most important--eg the extent to which one feature ( such as car body size ) can predict others ( such as engine size ) .
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