Example sentences of "[noun sg] all [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It would require his more frequent presence in the constituency , presence all the harder to contrive of course in proportion to distance from Westminster .
2 The fact that the Council 's Structure Plan , in which their planning policy is enshrined , has not yet been accepted by the Secretary of State makes these changes in direction all the easier .
3 It reminded him of his own inadequacy ; it made Arabella 's betrayal all the worse ; it had given Newley the courage to think of divorcing Georgina .
4 She had shot him for all the things he had done to her and her husband , shot him because , in the end , she still loved him , and it made his ultimate betrayal all the harder to bear .
5 Now that David has decided he wants to stay and fight for his place , he will have made his job all the harder .
6 Shoots the other drug round your body all the faster . ’
7 ‘ So it was all set up , and your father 's known habit of shutting himself up with his scripts made the deception all the easier .
8 Adding to IBM 's performance woes is that a demoralised workforce has clearly been freewheeling since John Akers announced in January that he was stepping aside , which will make the job of the new man at the top all the harder .
9 Yeah if you can do it in a week all the better .
10 John Simon found Dustin ‘ always endearing with that sour-grapefruit face and voice of his , both of which , paradoxically , ooze the juice of human kindness ’ , while David Thomson thought that Dustin ‘ was near his best , managing old age easily and riding the picaresque adventures of a put-upon outcast all the better because of his own denial of starriness .
11 Once damp has affected walls it deposits hygroscopic salts on the surface , leaving white salty tidemarks which make detection all the easier .
12 Those who would have fallen ill even under moderate sexual restrictions succumb to illness all the earlier and more severely under the demands of our present civilized sexual morality ; for we know no better security against the menace to normal sexual life caused by defective predisposition and disturbances in development than sexual satisfaction itself .
13 The fact that he could do nothing about it made Burun 's enjoyment of the situation all the sweeter .
14 Intently he watched it and then searched with renewed care all the nearer part of the Waste .
15 Let us begin then with a brief review of what we know about the ego 's past in order all the better to be able to understand something about its present and future .
16 In fact Waugh had just written to him as a stranger to thank him for his ‘ ingenious and delightful allegory ’ — his gratitude all the warmer because , as he flatteringly remarks , he had tried to buy a copy and found it sold out .
17 They see themselves as occupying a position at the bottom of an organization which places a heavy emphasis on hierarchy , making their location all the worse .
18 It is what makes the tragedy of this lost weekend all the deeper for Diana , who must know that this could be the pattern of the future .
19 That incident probably made John 's triumph all the sweeter a few months later , when he gleefully described flirting with a particularly desirable man , one of the supposed ringleaders of the earlier occasion .
20 Electronic mail makes the importance of context all the clearer .
21 She was sad in advance , and yet at the same time all the happier , doubly happy , for knowing that she recognized her happiness , that it was not slipping by her unheeded , for knowing that she was creating for herself a past .
22 It is in fact all the better for a prolonged wait in the cold .
23 Now that rigor mortis had set in it was in fact all the easier to lift him .
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