Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] until [art] " in BNC.

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1 It remained in the possession of the Stewarts until the reign of James V , in the first half of the 16th century , and is likely to have been used occasionally by the royal family when they were visiting Ayrshire .
2 A taller order may be prolonging the life of the XJS until the X100 takes over .
3 The strike was called off two days later , after Moda'i and Histadrut leaders agreed that legislation to reduce the minimum wage would not be presented to the Knesset until a compromise had been worked out .
4 The SNC would turn over most of its powers to the UN until a new Cambodian government was elected ; the UN would probably administer defence , foreign affairs , finance , public security and information .
5 Although South Korea did not make an official response to the preconditions — all of which it had rejected in the past — it did agreed to suspend its pursuit of membership of the UN until the two Korean states had discussed the issue further .
6 Never could they securely hold the Rhine until the Frisians at the lower end of it and the Saxons across it were tamed and Christianized .
7 We accept that both the Unionist and Nationalist traditions are valid and legitimate ; that Northern Ireland should remain a part of the UK until the free consent of the majority of its people is given to change ; that the Republic of Ireland has a legitimate interest in the future of Northern Ireland ; and that a partnership in government which allows both communities to participate is the only practical way in which to make progress .
8 The economics of producing oil from coal ‘ do not look attractive and will possibly delay its introduction in the UK until the second or third decade in the next century . ’
9 A net outflow from the UK until the 1931 Census was followed by a period of net inward migration which culminated in the early 1960s in the peak arrivals of migrants from the ‘ new Commonwealth ’ , chiefly the Caribbean and the Indian sub-continent , reflecting a UK shortage of labour in the long ‘ post-war boom ’ .
10 On the basis of a report delivered by Gorbachev on Feb. 7 a resolution was adopted which ruled that the independence declaration should be " regarded as having no standing " , and urged the Lithuanian communists to suspend their decision to break with the CPSU until the matter could be debated at the 28th party congress .
11 On Dec. 3 Valentin Kuptsev , leader of the RCP until the ban , called for the parties which had emerged from the CPSU to prepare a revival of the party .
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