Example sentences of "[art] [adj] deal of " in BNC.

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1 This conviction arose from the literature study as well as from the great deal of experience we had acquired in the shock treatment of these depressions ’ .
2 The planners , the Planning Committee , and the Council found themselves at the centre of the great deal of public agitation in which the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level .
3 And yet it is an awkward situation for it is certain the reception of Claudio Parmiggiani 's work will for a long time be affected by the great deal of media attention given to Joseph Kosuth 's work .
4 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
5 He puts the success down to people in AEA winning new business and the great deal of work done in reducing the cost base .
6 Certainly , attempts to read the poem at a wholly symbolic level with the violence being explained away as allegorical representations of abstract moral conflicts ignore the great deal of interest the poem shows in history , particularly Spenser 's contemporary history .
7 In the fourth epoch , covering the New Deal of the 1930s , Mills argues that there was a stalemate between the political and economic elites .
8 But for those who wish to focus more on the current century , there are three other deals — a five-year fixed rate of 7.99 per cent ( arrangement fee £245 ) , a two-year fixed rate of 6.79 per cent ( arrangement fee ) £225 ; and a one-year deal of 5.79 per cent ( arrangement fee £175 ) .
9 Alongside its other main protagonists , the amateur architects Dr Henry Aldrich of Christ Church and Dr George Clarke of All Souls [ qq.v. ] , and the professional Nicholas Hawksmoor [ q.v. ] , he was a prominent figure in this development ; and the statement of the antiquarian Thomas Hearne [ q.v. ] in 1720 , that he ‘ hath a hand in all the Buildings of Oxford , and gets a vast deal of Money that way ’ , was no exaggeration .
10 He died in Oxford 22 October 1729 , as a result of gangrene following a fall from his horse while visiting his Hertfordshire parish , although he blamed his illness on ‘ drinking a pretty deal of bad small beer ’ .
11 There is a great deal of individual suffering with deaths in almost every family in some areas .
12 But a subtle critic may well save us a great deal of time , pain and trouble in the learning , for he can set us aright at the outset , and by his example rather than by his assertions show us how to avoid admiring that which is unworthy .
13 Because of their frontality African figure sculptures are commonly photographed or drawn full face , concealing the fact that the sculptor has paid a great deal of attention to the profile view .
14 The piece includes a great deal of descriptive colour ; only try it if you feel you can bring something of your own imagination to it , and be prepared to risk some indulgence .
15 I also did a great deal of amateur acting with the Progress Theatre in Reading .
16 As a young actor you obviously went for a great deal of variety in characters and accents .
17 Since those days she has done a great deal of work with Steven Berkoff — particularly in his play for two people , Decadence which she has played in London , Los Angeles and Dublin .
18 The greatest possible self-created order , he wrote , compatible of course with the freedom to work , which may mean very little order indeed or may mean a great deal of order , depending on the individual and the circumstances .
19 Complaining in print about one restaurant 's service charge policy — giving both the restaurant and proprietor 's name — could cost that establishment a great deal of money in bad publicity .
20 This system used to result in a great deal of food wastage .
21 She looked across at the film star , not with a great deal of pity .
22 A great deal of gossip about the village and its inhabitants had thus come her way , from every direction .
23 Henry Tyler had had an unexpected few days ' leave and had descended on his married sister and her husband in the small market town of Berebury in Calleshire without a great deal of warning .
24 It takes a great deal of prestidigitatory skill to poison someone before your very eyes so to speak . ’
25 I have given a great deal of thought as to how much I should actually tell you about this period and what just to leave to your imagination .
26 Because my plants are packed in so tightly I spend a great deal of time trimming and tying .
27 Every year a number of trailers are rolled over on our roads and trailer accidents account for a great deal of glider repairs .
28 Unless you have a great deal of spare height , do not try to fly right round the field .
29 Unfortunately , a great deal of our flying is done by habit and this can lead to serious problems if anything goes wrong on the first flight in a strange machine .
30 For it received the neglect that a great deal of insider research achieves and was channelled ( unopened ) to me , accompanied by a two-line memo from a senior officer which suggested , ‘ I understand you are doing some research ; you may find this useful ’ .
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