Example sentences of "[art] [adj] eyes [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the Swedes claim to have discovered a cure for the sore eyes caused by staring at a screen all day which does n't involve putting any kind of filter or screen over the monitor .
2 The night-dark eyes bored into her as he moved closer still , and she braced herself , wondering just how he 'd make his attack .
3 The brown eyes regarded her in a contemplative manner until he said , ‘ You must meet Matt .
4 The smoky-blue eyes softened slightly .
5 The dark eyes fixed her for a moment .
6 The dark eyes fixed on Luce showed dawning recognition , then puzzlement .
7 The dark eyes slanted in her direction briefly and then looked away .
8 The dark eyes bored into her and she felt a shiver run along her spine .
9 The hard eyes bored into hers mercilessly .
10 The little eyes sharpened at the top of the thin nose .
11 The cold eyes assessed her reaction .
12 He smiled at her , the light in the black eyes hidden by his sunglasses .
13 The black eyes rolled at her , and the wild laughter came to a hiccuping halt .
14 The black eyes burned into her .
15 The green-grey eyes narrowed on her uncertain expression , and he moved towards her , in a pantherish prowl which made her throat constrict .
16 Fael-Inis caught the thought at once , of course , and the slanting eyes rested on Taliesin with amusement .
17 She was exquisite , even in a shabby dark gown , and as she came up to him he saw the luminous eyes filled with what he most wanted to see .
18 The near-black eyes moved over her with open distaste .
19 The grey eyes shot across to her again , and Alyssia thought with shock that she did n't .
20 The grey eyes skimmed over her until she felt her face turning red .
21 The grey eyes flicked over the curves of her body , and finally rested on her face .
22 The grey eyes flicked over her again , and she felt that familiar tensing of her body .
23 A chasm has undoubtedly developed , but the sporadic re-emergency of the blasted simulators — they keep crawling up time and time again with bedraggled , sanguine hollers of intent - and the beady eyes cast by all manner of unlikely contenders on pop 's centre stage ( ‘ We see no reason why this band should n't be huge ’ ) — suggests that our new proposition of an overground and underground sticks in the craw .
24 Mark jerked the door open and turned to face the American eyes hardened with anger .
25 His face was lowered , the dark-lashed eyes hidden .
26 The boy sat hunched on the edge of his bed , his slight shoulders rigid ; the green eyes followed with an uneasy glitter the deliberate progress of his captor 's elegant , muscular hand through a meagre yard of air , and lived through a wilderness of reluctance and temptation during its passage .
27 Araminta , ’ he amended as the pale eyes turned upon him in gentle reproach , ‘ there is no need .
28 When the peat-brown eyes fixed on hers again , their level gaze showed he had recovered from his astonishment at seeing her .
29 Again the keen eyes dwelt perceptively on her strained face .
30 Where the skin stretched taut along his cheekbones it held a faint flush of colour after the day out , the disfiguring bitterness in the blue eyes hidden for the moment behind closed , black-fringed lids .
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