Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] pointed out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To be fair , ’ the prince pointed out generously , ‘ in this case it seems to have been Owen who took the offensive . ’
2 As the Board pointed out in its second report :
3 Observers of the case pointed out that the court apparently ignored ‘ irrationality ’ even though the child 's education was affected by the lengthy and difficult journeys .
4 As The Economist pointed out , ‘ only a few go through the final humiliation of meeting the bailiff at the door and watching him change the locks ’ .
5 The chairman pointed out that ‘ nobody is obliged to accept the contract but , if you do n't , they you will have to take your own rubbish to the tip in Alton . ’
6 After the Guardian pointed out on December 8 that Kingfisher did indeed face a prima facie competition problem , he told another newspaper that during his 1986 bid for the then Woolworths , he had been obliged by the OFT to pre-sell Comet to Granada to avoid a monopolies investigation .
7 ‘ The Nazis did n't invent styles ’ , the narration pointed out , ‘ they occupied those that already existed ’ .
8 Applebank Cottage , made of local soft Bath stone , was damp and cold , but as the agent pointed out , what did Clare expect for two pounds per week ?
9 The inspector took the file and glanced at the entry pointed out by Zen 's broad flat finger .
10 The President pointed out of the window .
11 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
12 The practice pointed out that the criteria upon which Mr. Thorpe 's referral was turned down are invalid and says : ’ The NHS changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments , otherwise ’ , it asks , ’ how can pioneering work and advances take place ?
13 But I 've copied over to the same place , what it seems to be doing provided the cell pointed out , you 're looking at the top left .
14 In the second place , Mr. Glick for the revenue pointed out that in the State Trials report , 20 St.Tr. 239 , it appeared that the Crown did not suggest that if the duty was not payable in law it nevertheless could not be recovered .
15 The administration pointed out that Cheney had referred specifically to " force structures , bases and weapons systems affecting the US-based military " , and had also said that " defence contracts would be terminated " .
16 As the issue pointed out , many of the ‘ have nots ’ are unemployed .
17 The warden pointed out that time was not of the essence as it has taken since 1977 to strengthen the bell tower and rehang the bells , all carried out by villagers , needless to say I did not visualise the same time cycle for my part of the job .
18 The Warden pointed out the most likely spot for short-eared owls on the hunt for stranded voles , told us that there were plenty of field fare about , and said it was a good year for ruff .
19 The committee pointed out that no great increase in costs would be incurred , because at that time , each vacancy had to be filled from nursing institutes ( agencies ) at a cost of 2½ guineas a week .
20 The committee pointed out that " industry can not grow steadily in a situation where industrial policy three years from now could be in the hands of politicians of utterly opposed political views " .
21 However , the committee pointed out that in the absence of trade union involvement , it often found itself faced with broader issues of terms and conditions .
22 One important example is , as the judge pointed out , that it is unusual to order costs in children cases .
23 The judge pointed out that another clause in the contract of employment expressly described the prohibited business : it was clearly restricted to repairing or renovation of office furniture and commercial seating .
24 The judge pointed out that in the statement of claim the confidential information relied on was described in a general way as a fund of technical knowledge and experience relating to a number of matters ; in particular the contents of the manuals and the Initial Feasibility Study .
25 The judge pointed out that when Harper lit the first tuft of hay Smith told him ‘ in the clearest terms ’ not to be so stupid .
26 The Institute pointed out that nearly half the wild species in lowland arable regions of England depend on " linear features " such as roadsides and hedges .
27 Other speakers at the conference pointed out that over-abstraction from rivers leads to a falling rate of flow which critically affects the rivers ' ecology , and they warned the situation may deteriorate as water continues to increase in the 1990s .
28 As the teacher pointed out :
29 If , as the provost pointed out , two watchmen were now required at Inverkeithing , how should Cunnan have a place and Cunningham 's friend be left essentially unemployed ?
30 My friend in the business pointed out that his guitar had a slimmer neck than its big rival .
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