Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] it appeared " in BNC.

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1 At the trial it appeared that the defendant was not in fact owner of the houses .
2 Five minutes after the break it appeared he had forced Rangers into unexpected submission .
3 At the beginning it appeared as if those who wanted to flog Europe for being an inadequate political animal were going to win , that political union had been put off still further …
4 By the end of the month it appeared that FAPLA , which claimed to be acting defensively , had breached the rebel UNITA defences and come close to capturing the airstrip near Mavinga , 19 km south of the Lomba river .
5 This man had taken his son , was the way it appeared to Jonadab Oaks .
6 From this perspective , even Sartre 's Critique looks rather different from the way it appeared in the early sixties when read in the context of Lukács ' History and Class Consciousness .
7 At the time it appeared to be the most plausible perhaps .
8 ‘ When we arrived at the house it appeared there had been an attempt to destroy literature by burning it .
9 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
10 When I first began to research their past , the brothers were men cloaked in mystery ; a mystery it appeared , that deliberately cultivated .
11 Without a word , the nun ushered them through the broad , thick oak door and into a tiled hall , there to be confronted by a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child in her arms , and above her , on the wall , a large crucifix hanging at such an angle it appeared that Christ 's bent head was viewing Himself as a child in His mother 's arms .
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