Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [was/were] widely " in BNC.

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1 The change was widely reported as bringing into question the government 's commitment to the phasing out of nuclear energy by 2010 , as approved in a 1980 referendum [ see pp. 30335 ; 30994 ; 34831 ] .
2 Only the Lithuanians accounted for so large a proportion of the population of their own republic , and the measure was widely seen as blocking rather than facilitating a transition to fully independent status .
3 The Canadian was widely accused of theatricals during tenth-round mayhem in a WBO middleweight title clash with Eubank at Brighton .
4 The election was widely characterized as a contest between " angel " or pro-democracy parties which had opposed the Suchinda government ( the Democrat Party , New Aspiration Party , Palang Dharma and Ekkaparb ) and " devil " or pro-military parties .
5 The decision was widely seen as an attempt to support the Sri Lankan government in its war against Tamil guerrillas , and was announced as Foreign Minister Shukla completed a three-day visit to Sri Lanka .
6 Notwithstanding Gore 's insistence that his decision was based on personal considerations , the decision was widely seen as of great political significance .
7 The duty of Japan to lead Asia in resistance to the West was widely advocated .
8 The budget was widely criticized as being unrealistic and irrelevant to the real needs of the eastern economy .
9 To many of her friends she seemed more a mystic than a likely scientist , despite her encyclopaedic knowledge of natural history ; a woman with religious respect for and understanding of the environment , an ecologist long before the term was widely known .
10 I do n't say that this is so , only that the allegation was widely made at the time .
11 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
12 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
13 His achievement of only 7 per cent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign .
14 The ceremony was widely regarded as an effort to restore Prussia 's regional identity after its suppression during the years of communist rule in the former East Germany , and simultaneously to dissociate Frederick the Great from the Nazi Party , which had revered his military power .
15 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
16 The murder was widely condemned .
17 The result was widely predicted , the only real doubt being the likely extent of the National victory .
18 The result was widely considered to be indicative of the government 's increasing unpopularity .
19 The result was widely interpreted as marking a decisive shift within the electorate , since the end of the Cold War , away from the traditional isolationism based on neutrality .
20 The pamphlet was widely acclaimed and a second edition produced .
21 It was acknowledged that some of the party 's previous policies had been potentially divisive , and the review was widely seen as both an attempt to attract new voters and as a means of attracting potential coalition partners from among the opposition parties .
22 Nevertheless , the fact that he sought re-election to the legislature was widely interpreted as indicative of a desire to use his influence — he was thought to have maintained an overall majority in the new House — to secure the presidency for his friend and colleague , Vice-President Teatao Teannaki , the elected member for Abiang .
23 ‘ On commencement of the patrol , the involvement of the council was widely welcomed by regular river-users . ’
24 The proposal was widely criticized and on Nov. 19 a Miami District Court judge granted a temporary injunction forbidding further repatriations after an appeal from the Haitian Refugee Center in Miami .
25 The peace was widely condemned in England .
26 Although Churchill sometimes appeared to be unhappy about it , planning for the peace was widely accepted as a legitimate political task during the war .
27 I will not go on to examine by the same criteria the other manifestations of The Thing , such as the anti-apartheid demonstrations , in which open breach of the law was widely condoned and encouraged by the organs of public opinion .
28 Séguin , whose eloquence throughout the campaign was widely reported , stressed his fear that Maastricht would result in a loss of French sovereignty , especially over monetary policy .
29 The act was widely seen as a direct challenge to local representational democracy , and revealed much about the capacity of labourism to respond to perceived threats to its authority .
30 The outcome was widely regarded as a considerable rebuff for Rhee and a weakening of his position , underlined by the number of successful independents .
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