Example sentences of "[art] [adj] piece of " in BNC.

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1 Rollercoaster USA takes in 23 cities from DeKalb to San Diego , mostly hallrooms and ballrooms , until the end of November , and it is , quite simply , the finest piece of rock theatre I have witnessed in 1992 .
2 Lord Harlech 's concluding statement at interview , the official ITV history oddly comments , almost as though the process were a debating competition , Was the finest piece of spoken prose heard at any of the thirty-six ITA interviews ' ( Sendall , 1983 , p. 358 ) .
3 The occasional aberration in judgment aside , the curbing regulation has been not merely a success but possibly the finest piece of administration in modern times .
4 Had Shakespeare demanded reverberating resonance from his tortured prince he might have chosen to set Hamlet in the finest piece of neo-classical architecture in Europe rather than the rotten state of Denmark .
5 As the bath is the largest piece of furniture in the room , it makes sense to think about this first .
6 Until quite recently this was the largest piece of Dak that DASA could contemplate as coming their way .
7 It is the largest piece of land least changed by man and should be able to stay that way .
8 He looked at the number plate and realized that he had found the sole piece of ostentation Miss Morgan had allowed herself ; she had been Angela Jane Morgan and the car was AJM 563 .
9 Diet : Freeze-Dried Tubifex , frozen Tubifex , bloodworm , Tetra Tabimin , Promin and catfish pellets , with the odd piece of cabbage .
10 Word of Denim , Lawrence 's conceptual thrust into the 1990s , began to circulate immediately , but then the trail went cold apart from overheard rumours and the odd piece of rogue merchandising ( Denim patches and plectrums ) turning up at the NME .
11 The odd piece of Giant Vallis provides a pleasant diversion from all that rock .
12 The panels cast a dreamy light in the rooms — which are furnished in the most sparse manner with stone floors , white beds and the odd piece of exquisite antique glass .
13 Lewis stomped away along the tide-line , kicking at the odd piece of driftwood and the occasional plastic bottle .
14 The only danger in the dark passage was the risk of a collision with the odd piece of furniture , and surely she was not afraid of a table ?
15 As soon as the offer was accepted , it seemed the clearest piece of luck .
16 While I will put on Les Troyens , which is perhaps the greatest piece of audacity in the history of opera .
17 A Roman shoe has been reconstructed by drawing and studying the surviving piece of leather ( right ) , often using a microscope , which showed that the leather had finely stamped and tooled patterns and was also gilded .
18 But at the last minute , self-interest takes over ; in the stark presence of the perforated piece of paper and a stub of pencil on a string , we realise that we have to live in the ‘ real world ’ , and our courage fails us .
19 Besides , ’ he said , with the archest piece of self-justification , ‘ what help I can offer you now , I can best give from the inside .
20 The official report states that the broken piece of window bar was later found to have adhesive tape wrapped around each end , suggesting that it had been severed beforehand .
21 With an angry , violent gesture he flung aside the broken piece of door .
22 She remembered the carved piece of stone that Lowell held in his hand sometimes — part of an urn , he 'd told her .
23 The strongest piece of evidence we 've found so far is that piece of chain , which ties in with the attack on the gipsy girl .
24 The crowning piece of this legislation was the introduction of personal pensions in 1988 , which allowed individuals to opt out of their company plans and start a personal pension .
25 So , viewers at home , do not hesitate , if you have even the slightest piece of useful data , hook up that modem and call , in complete confidence , our unmonitored SnitchLine on the number that is flashing at the bottom of your screen …
26 The flash of hope in her eyes made him wish he could report a more substantial discovery than the meagre piece of intelligence he had to contribute .
27 He simply exaggerated it , bringing the ball wide round the tree on the wind as if on the proverbial piece of string .
28 He then added a small piece to the shorter piece of wood .
29 The oldest-looking piece of Greek sculpture we have is an over life-size marble of a woman ( fig. 11 ) from the sanctuary on Delos which Artemis shared with her brother Apollo .
30 I was sitting in the make-up chair and I felt like the ugliest piece of shit there ever was .
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