Example sentences of "[art] [adj] period was " in BNC.

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1 That newspapers had come a long way in the interim period was beyond doubt ; that they were to travel even further was to be confirmed by the manner in which the Cadburys disposed of the News Chronicle in 1960 .
2 The first cut should occur with the removal of advisers from battalions and a general cut in advisers to headquarters and service troops : Roberts recommended that no cuts be implemented before January 1951 , as the intervening period was crucial for training purposes .
3 At no time in the intervening period was there any possibility of the Labour Party replacing the National , predominantly Conservative , government .
4 The 1989–90 period was marked by initial gravity increase ( up to 100μGal ) at stations near the summit ( June-November 1989 ) followed by decreases of similar magnitude ( November 1989-June 1990 ) .
5 This region has the longer history of continuous occupation by tundra , for at no time during the post-glacial period was it invaded by forest .
6 Prior to this , the post-independence period was dominated by the ( Marxist-Leninist ) Front for the Liberation of Mozambique ( Frelimo ) whose president was also head of state .
7 Not until after the medieval period was it economically viable to recover amounts as small as this , and so the gold content of silver artefacts can be a useful indicator of their antiquity .
8 What remained of woodland by the end of the medieval period was devoured at an ever increasing rate .
9 The single most important move of the 1938–50 period was the extension of selection to the entire age group , and the 1944 Act actually made this more commonplace , but it did not create the move — only forty-three LEAs , less than half , considered the whole group throughout the selection process , another forty LEAs qualified children by excluding those who did badly in a first exam as part of the selection procedure .
10 Nizan 's overtly sectarian stance of the pre-1934 period was suddenly out of phase with the current political climate .
11 But the most annoying aspect of the early period was the lack of real interest shown by our first council members — at times we could n't muster up the required six members for a quorum at the monthly meetings .
12 The second period was much the same story , Ron Barteling and Robert Nerckenrath making it 5-0 in four minutes .
13 The Second Period was the time during which was laid down the evidence the nature of which has been revealed by men such as Charles Darwin and others , who gave to the world an understanding of the way in which evolution has operated through thousands of millions of years .
14 Nizan was convinced that the novel in the contemporary period was as significant a genre as tragedy had been in the classical period . "
15 The Victorian period was one of tremendous economic and social change .
16 Yadav and Pope then divided the mispricings by size into one of 5 categories and found that the mean reversion effect was strongest in the USA and UK when the absolute value of the mispricing in the previous period was largest .
17 In nominal terms , overall budgeted expenditure on museums for the 1981–90 period was FFr13.529 billion , growing in real terms at a yearly average of 10% .
18 The sleepy period was from midnight until noon , of which the worst part was about dawn .
19 The agricultural legacy of the colonial period was sometimes a modified form of shifting cultivation , sometimes a form of settled agriculture which tended to deplete the fertility of the soil .
20 At secondary level , where provision in the colonial period was extremely limited , the expansion has been even more spectacular , with the number of schools increasing from 177 to 1,502 and the number of pupils by 950 per cent .
21 The modest resettlement programme in rural areas which aimed to improve the grossly inequitable distribution of land prevailing during the colonial period was less effective than had been hoped , and was cut back by the stabilization measures taken in 1982–84 .
22 A major centre of Diktynna-worship in the classical period was the Diktynnaion , a great temple on a peninsula to the west of Kydonia .
23 It must be remembered , of course , that Greek writing throughout the classical period was still relatively difficult to decipher as words were not regularly separated ; the copying of manuscripts was a long and laborious process ; and that silent reading as we know it was very rare ; until the advent of printing in the ancient world books were used mainly for reading aloud , often by a slave .
24 Similarly with the crop work , on which 40% spent no time , the busy period was hay time , and harvest if cereals were grown .
25 Unfortunately , until well into the twentieth century , the safe period was assumed to be at mid-month .
26 By the 1840s there was some knowledge of the rhythm method of birth control from discussions by French physicians Pouchet and Raciborski on women 's ovulation cycle , though for a while it was believed that the safe period was immediately after menstruation .
27 The great time of carbonate deposition during the Silurian Period was what we would call Wenlock time in Britain .
28 One example of this changed attitude to the role of the newspaper in the post-War period was the readiness of some newspapers to treat all political parties with equal respect .
29 The political environment in which Western academic studies of the Soviet Union have had to operate for most of the post-war period was built around several widely share assumptions ; that the USSR was a ‘ threat ’ , that socialism was a failure , that the Soviet state was incapable of rational modernisation .
30 Much of the post-war period was dominated by two highly significant sets of events , the Cold War between East and West and the dissolution of the European colonial empires .
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