Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] gave " in BNC.

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1 The horns were still there , curled and chipped , the brown hair was coarse and stiff , and the flyridden eyesockets gave an uneasy impression of movement .
2 But no amount of reading from the prayer book gave me the comfort I sought .
3 Initially the parties will rely on the notes made by solicitors and counsel when the trial judge gave the reasons for his decision when delivering judgment in open court .
4 What lay behind the first three grounds of appeal was the direction which the trial judge gave to the jury on the subject of concert .
5 ( The Tonga Chronicle gave due prominence to the storm the following week , though they might have wished for more careful sub-editing. ‘ $10 damage as islands hit by hurricane ’ read the headline .
6 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
7 Aboard his recently acquired Aprilia , the Whitehall rider gave the best expert class performance in the Waterlooville Club trial , which was contested on a very difficult course at Budden 's Bank , near Chalton on Saturday .
8 The mattress support gave a twanging sigh .
9 The Bute family gave the castle into state care in 1961 .
10 A year after his elevation to the throne Sigismund gave proof of his statesmanship when at his Easter court he issued his law-book , the Liber Constitutionum , better , though less correctly , known as the Lex Gundobada .
11 The money Danica gave my mother was not enough to buy one of the better sorts of bicycle , but it was no good buying a cheap one as it would have to last me for years .
12 Over the years , she 'd kept back a portion , every week , of the money Wakelate gave her to buy food at the market .
13 When he drew down the top of the blanket Laura gave a cry , staggering where she stood .
14 He would n't even take the tablets Alan gave him .
15 In termtime he worked all the hours God gave .
16 The look Madeleine gave him would have withered anyone other than her brother .
17 The look Maria gave him was inimical .
18 The look Luke gave her was cautionary as she stirred rebelliously , brilliant lips parting .
19 The reasons people gave for not using the form of credit ( very few were actually refused it , by lenders ) were rarely concerned specifically with cost — they were generally things like ‘ changed my mind ’ or ‘ thought of a better method ’ .
20 The Kolowrat family gave money for the church as one of their family belonged to the Jesuit Order and it was here they chose to be buried .
21 The Kellaway family gave their name to this house and the now tiny hamlet , when they were the lords of the manor in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries .
22 The Murcia ruling gave the PSOE 176 seats , a majority of one in the 350-seat Congress of Deputies .
23 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
24 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
25 The smells began to change : the woodsmoke and the sweet smell of the dung fires gave way to the heady scent of Indian champa and the first bittersweet whiffs of China orange blossom .
26 Behind the glass cabinet doors , Belinda glimpsed rows of neatly labelled spice jars and piles of elegant crockery — all the pride and delight of the housekeeper Mrs Porter , evidently — then they had passed through the kitchen and into an enclosed section of veranda where the hardwood floor gave way to squares of woven sea-grass matting .
27 Overhead , the strip lights gave out a ghastly flickering blue and the shadows of the storm on that huge expanse of glass created a psychedelic swirl of speckled light in the office which added to the vertigo .
28 That the Hereford canon gave the map to Hereford remains a mere hypothesis ; his ecclesiastical career was linked rather with the diocese of Salisbury , while the city of Salisbury is not included on the map .
29 The individuals had first to establish that the Trusteeship Agreement gave them standing as against the trusteeship territory .
30 Inclusion of the minor reactivity in the PCNA assay gave a mean proliferation index of 9.1% and the correlation failed to be significant .
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