Example sentences of "[prep] what was happen " in BNC.

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1 In view of what was to happen , it is important to notice the situation .
2 Any thought of what was to happen to his family home in Belfast had to be shelved until a joint decision could be reached with his brother when he next came home on leave .
3 In the light of what was to happen in the next few years , defeat by just 2–0 may be seen as something of a triumph , especially in view of the two traumas that occurred .
4 The book represents an attempt to explain the series of unexpected corporate failures over the past few years and why it was that company accounts do not appear to have given adequate warning of what was to happen .
5 Everyone was glued to their seats in anticipation of what was to happen next .
6 And then he added , ‘ I was talking to one of Big Joe 's bouncers and it was his opinion that she got wind of what was to happen , before they had time to give her a dose , likely .
7 But inevitably , the authorities regained control by force , it was a foretaste of what was to happen three months later in Tiananmen Square .
8 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
9 Without a knowledge of what was happening to Germanic diphthongs and vowels in the Dark Ages , however , even a clever pupil at Oxford in those days would have done badly .
10 Had he seen a letter from Pope Gregory in AD 601 he 'd have had a better idea of what was happening .
11 He said he was sure Presidents Bush and Gorbachev would approve of what was happening in Germany , and believed France and Britain , who had given such support during the long and difficult years as well as ‘ our East European neighbours ’ would understand .
12 While the greening of the electorate was rapidly taken aboard and she was impressed by the fact that acid rain could damage international relations as surely as it did stonework and trees , what caught her imagination were the profound implications of what was happening to the chemistry of the deeper atmosphere .
13 Great Victorians like Trollope and the Pre-Raphaelites had been fully aware of what was happening .
14 A study of Mary as queen rather than as a woman of great misfortune and ultimate tragedy necessitates discussion of what was happening when the central figure of the monarch was off-stage , and especially before her debut , when the scene of her rule was set ; the problems which her absence created , and the way in which others struggled to resolve them are as relevant as the short period of her personal reign .
15 Edward Blishen , the presenter , has an enviable gift for sketching in background and perspective , drawing up different strands of what was happening at the same time to make his argument , all with ease .
16 Voters were aware of what was happening .
17 ( Montgomery 1983 : 78 ) Since far more attacks were brought about by the government 's death squads than the left , Romero 's vast audience soon became aware of what was happening in their country .
18 What if the outside world was unaware of what was happening at Heymouth ?
19 Parks claimed that he was n't even aware of what was happening till he heard the door slam shut as the thieves made their escape .
20 This kind of teaching , it was argued , implicitly if not explicitly , was unacceptable because it would lead to an undermining of loyalty to the nation and government in minds too tender truly to comprehend the import of what was happening to them .
21 Before 5 October 1968 the handful of NICRA activists had a very simple and extremely limited impression of what was happening across the Atlantic .
22 But they were symptoms of what was happening , not an analysis of the problem .
23 The number could easily have been doubled , and doubled again , in further trips , but what I had discovered was already enough to reveal the full horror of what was happening .
24 Before moving on to make use of the database , it was necessary to assess whether or not the data itself was valid for the organisation being studied , bearing in mind that so far the exercise had been a systems-thinking one , rather than a study of what was happening in practice .
25 Thus , it was through the work and recommendations of its special committees that the Institution took cognisance of what was happening in the world around it , and was able to lead its membership toward a more enlightened view of educational thought and progress and away from the traditional one of on-the-job training supported by evening or postal tuition surmounted by the Institution 's examination .
26 Corbett realised the dangers of what was happening , he was becoming obsessed with this matter as he did with anything he could not solve , rationalise , arrange in neat columns .
27 Germany between the wars felt a sharpening of the internal contradictions by which it lived , but it is doubtful that the people concerned ever had a clear understanding of what was happening because the tensions were buried deep within the very fabric of the Reich and because the form and pattern of struggles that resulted from these tensions were always far removed from the real heart of the matter .
28 The Danzigers , in spite of the clear example of what was happening in the Reich , tolerated the Nazis in their city because they were ‘ strong ’ on Poland and the Polish threat .
29 The government in London was kept well informed of what was happening and the rebellion might never have got off the ground but for the effects of the Act of Union of the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland , which came into effect on 1 May 1707 .
30 Related to perception were two strongly contrasting ways of taking in and becoming aware of what was happening .
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