Example sentences of "[prep] this be due " in BNC.

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1 Clearly much of the credit for this is due to a very generous and grateful public .
2 One of the main reasons for this is due to the current state of the US economy .
3 The main reasons for this are due to the fact that what Freud meant by ‘ sexuality ’ is much wider in its connotations than genital intercourse between a male and a female , and also partly due to his assertion that there is no basic sociability , no herd instinct , in men .
4 Much of this is due to the face that , following the recent Monopolies and Mergers Commission report on pub ownership , many breweries are actually moving out of brewing itself and concentrating instead on pub management — an area where they believe they stand to make the greatest profits .
5 Not all of this is due to soil losses from agricultural systems since deforestation also increases soil erosion rates ( sections 7.3 and 7.4 ) , and in contrast there are numerous examples where remedial measures have actually reduced soil erosion .
6 Much of this is due to a combination of deforestation and the use of fire for clearance , which leave the soil susceptible to erosion , especially during periods of heavy rainfall which are relatively common .
7 Much of this is due largely to the construction of their filter .
8 Are we to believe that all of this is due to shortage of investment ?
9 Much of this is due to the magnificent Court carpets of the 16th and 17th centuries which grace Western museums , and the 18th and 19th-century masterpieces to be found in royal palaces and stately homes throughout the world .
10 Some of this is due to malicious vandalism , but much more interference is probably caused by ignorance or thoughtlessness .
11 Walker 's images do reverberate with the classical and much of this is due to her ‘ expressive ’ use of figures in careful poses to create harmonious compositions , which makes us think of Hellenistic relief work as well as Renaissance paintings .
12 Er the Government find it absolutely unacceptable for people to wait on trolleys , once the decision for admission has been made er but My Lords sometimes it is necessary to wait er for observation purposes or sometimes for diagnostic treatments , er which actually have to take place in the A and E department er but My Lords it 's very interesting to see how similar hospitals vary , even within the same vicinity and we believe a great deal of this is due to poor management .
13 Most of this was due to PR work from the financial side of the company , Lowe Bell Financial , which has been bought out by management since the period end .
14 Share prices soared , although some of this was due to falling interest rates that followed the unhooking of the pound from the dollar , stimulating gilt-edged , rather than a major increase in manufacturing output or exports .
15 Much of this was due to the new Master , Joseph Dale , appointed by the Company without competition in Stockport on 1st December 1703 .
16 Despite apparently positive indications that the economy had become more efficient and successful in the late 1980s , some analysts were sceptical about how much of this was due to the various deregulating reforms .
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