Example sentences of "[prep] it since [art] " in BNC.

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1 In any event , the grant of an option to renew may depress the value of the landlord 's reversion and reduce the number of potential purchasers of it since the plans of a purchaser who wishes to redevelop or to occupy the property for the purposes of his own business may be frustrated by the exercise of the option .
2 ‘ There 's been nothing like it since the Bible , ’ said an obviously excited spokesperson for the book 's publishers , Transworld .
3 If the two pairs of projectors are in line , the intention is not usually a multi-image effect In fact , it s likely that the two projectors nearer to the camera will not contain so much an image as an image-blocker , ie a mask or matte that blocks out part of the image behind it Since the two mattes will normally be complementary , and the combined image can be seen by inspection through the camera 's viewfinder , any faults , such as overlaps or gaps , should be observed at the time and , if possible , corrected on a second , third or fourth take This is more economical and satisfactory than getting the results of multiple passes back from the lab and discovering that a whole day 's work has to be redone .
4 It has been playing for more than a year at the group 's Palace Theatre in Manchester , and the Playhouse has taken more than £1 million in advance bookings for it since the box office opened last week .
5 One of his chapters is entitled ‘ The Beat as an Obstacle Race ’ , which is a good way of thinking about it since the obstacles to your progress are the numerous areas of dirty wind provided by other sails and you have to do your utmost to avoid them .
6 We can not do much about it since the obstacles are as real to us as are ghosts to those who see them .
7 It would spoil the flow to point out that everybody has been at it since the start of recorded time , or that much of the world has been fighting keenly away in these recent decades , while Western Europe was trying to invent the political structures that would make sure its nations never fight each other again .
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