Example sentences of "[prep] the left was " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the Left was still divided into small groups which for various reasons did not wish to be involved in these narrow manoeuvres .
2 This was denied and speculation that the paper would move from its traditional support of the Left was quashed by the four banks which are the majority shareholders in the group .
3 Boyd 's cross from the left was flicked in by Nicholas.Saints broke immediately and Redford soared to head home Maskrey 's cross .
4 At first , studies of the revolution written in this spirit were impressionistic rather than scholarly and the voice of criticism from the Left was barely audible .
5 The cross from the left was handled by McKinstry and McBride calmly slotted the ball home .
6 But just four minutes later Spurs were level , as Gordon Durie 's cross from the left was met by Gary Lineker who headed firmly past Mark Crossley for his 25th goal of the season .
7 The Communist Party still had less than 6,000 members at the end of 1934 but the balance within the Left was beginning to move towards it and away from the disintegrating ILP .
8 To the left was a dinosaur of a stone pulpit , all arched and ornamented .
9 The attraction of the SMG to the left was not , he believes , its commitment to monitoring racial violence and assisting its victims , but its second stated purpose of monitoring and campaigning on cases of alleged ‘ police harassment . ’
10 To the left was a long low building with a blank , grimy whitewashed wall and a broken , galvanised roof .
11 At the end of this wall leading off to the left was another passage to the downstairs lobby and the stairway to the first floor .
12 The entrance was through an iron gate some four feet in width — to the left was the caretaker 's house and on the right a small committee room .
13 Going through the door to the back kitchen you had to take three steps down and immediately to the left was the matchboard door to the garden .
14 To the right of the thundering gorge , great precipices continued perpendicular and unbroken ; to the left was a vast slab of smooth rock , two thousand feet high , very steep and apparently , from below , not offering a foothold for a goat ’ .
15 The table to the left was piled high with an assortment of bric-a-brac , none of which appeared to serve a useful purpose .
16 Away to the left was a small encampment of black nomad tents , their side flaps hoisted to catch the afternoon breezes .
17 To the left was a light , well-illuminated area that contained various electronic games and fruit machines .
18 To the left was a small glass-partitioned office , to the right a dark-room .
19 To the left was only stygian darkness , too syrupy tor me to think of penetrating , the black from which ignorance is made .
20 To the left was a huge glass conservatory , where she imagined palms and chamber music evenings .
21 This door led to a large entrance lobby , to the right of which stood a luxurious bathroom , while to the left was a range of built-in wardrobes .
22 The view on the left was that the Bush administration was more involved in the coup than it has admitted , but decided against a visible or military role for fear of the political consequences of failure and a heavy loss of American lives .
23 Inside on the left was a recessed door , now boarded and bolted , that once gave access to the best room .
24 Behind the gates on the left was the main cemetery of the Italian quarter , now largely built over and the tombs removed .
25 The front row on the left was taken by the two light-skinned women who ran the Primary School .
26 The sand took up many different colours to the right , while high up on the left was a cliff-face — the wall of a plateau — where the rock had been whitewashed and hollowed out as someone 's home .
27 At the end on the left was a stick-and-ball field , a polo field covered with gulls , paddocks full of polished horses , then a group of red modern buildings .
28 On the left was a long wooden counter with weighing scales at one end and a large wicker basket filled with loaves of bread .
29 IV or Four was on the door to the right and round the corner on the left was the Handwork Room , the Headmaster 's Study being on the extreme right next to the bathroom and opposite the Staff Common Room .
30 On the left was what he imagined must be a typing pool , on the right more desks containing tidy ranks of computers for administrative personnel and computer operators .
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