Example sentences of "[prep] the left in " in BNC.

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1 What now , they are asking , is the future for the Left in Britain ?
2 The direction of the campaign moved towards a broader ‘ popular front ’ to be drawn up between the left in Britain , France and the Soviet Union .
3 A problem for many parties of the left in the era of slow growth was to reconcile high public spending and greater social and economic equality with the reluctance of many workers to pay heavier taxes .
4 Yet the ideas of deregulation , limits to taxation , and budget-cutting have been accepted even by governments of the left in France , Spain , Australia , and New Zealand .
5 Comparison with the fortunes of the left in Western Europe are encouraging for Labour , but also chastening .
6 It is ironic that the cry of the Left in those days was ‘ Shelters for the people ’ whereas nowadays it seems to be ‘ No shelters for the people ’ .
7 There is no panacea for the failure of the left in the past four elections .
8 But it is a very long time since anyone attempted a popular history of the left in Britain .
9 The confident mood of the left in the 1960s had been part of a sudden wider upsurge in creativity concentrated on the arts , pop music , fashion , ‘ lifestyle ’ and sexual attitudes .
10 Their lot , they felt , had not had a proper turn since the defeat of the left in the civil war of the late 1940s .
11 What kind of deal could the SDP possibly do with the Labour Party when they split with Labour because of the developing strength of the Left in the party ?
12 Over the past few years , part of the Left in Britain has moved into a more considered view as to the limits of elements of the British constitution , at the same time as it has become increasingly alive to the merits of elements of that same constitution — especially in so far as they bear on the issues of democracy , the sovereignty of Parliament and the people , and civil liberties .
13 For many of the committed , for many of the organizers , the issue was n't peace , it was war : victorious war for Vietnam 's National Liberation Front , and class war on the bourgeoisie — a word that had faded from much of the left in the long years of ‘ The British road to socialism ’ .
14 It made the achievement of the Left in pushing for reform and establishing responsibility and commitment , particularly in local government , all the more remarkable .
15 Mr Frank Farr is third from the left in the back row .
16 ABOVE : Oswald Parry is third from the left in the back row in this 1931 Palace team group ; BELOW : David Payne shoots for goal in the Palace match at Old Trafford on 11 April 1973 ; OPPOSITE : David celebrates with a Palace fan upon our promotion to Division One on 19 April 1969 .
17 Les never made it , but he 's no stranger to the wearing of shorts : the sub is better known as the FRUITBAT , third from the left in the front row of the pic .
18 This is a point which it would be useless to push too far ; the pose of the second figure from the left in the Demoiselles , for instance , was one which Picasso had already used frequently in his earlier work .
19 Both worked in Engineering Division , Barry Simpson ( second from the left in our picture ) with Philip Pymm in Control & Instrumentation and Colin MacCabe with Stuart Campbell in Fuel Route Design .
20 Second from the left in the middle row of the photograph is Christine Fraczek , a Quality Auditor with SCOTVEC .
21 Durán , projecting the image of elder statesman , was expected to attract votes from the left in the run-off election .
22 A little to the left in the no man 's land in front of the buildings was a grass mound .
23 Squeezing through a gap in the hedge at the bottom of Vic 's garden , Mungo found himself in front of the shed door which , together with the rest of the building , leaned to the left in its frame .
24 The fall in national income will lead to a fall in the demand for money which will shift the MD line to the left in Fig. 4.4(i) and so reduce the equilibrium rate of interest .
25 Eye witnesses close to the crash site saw the aircraft spiral to the left in a 40° to 45° descent with between 60° and 90° of left bank and noticeable sideslip .
26 Although the unanimity of rural enthusiasm for army policies is open to question , it is clear that the rural community did not really turn to the left in its search for a solution to its problems .
27 Yet even they remained adamantly loyal to the socialist parties , and , although generally identifying with the Mensheviks , moved markedly to the Left in the pre-war period .
28 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
29 A decline in the level of aggregate demand will reduce y D , thereby shifting the L D curve to the left in ( w , L ) space .
30 The apparent trend to the Left in the Labour Party was in keeping with the political atmosphere of the times , but it was not strong enough to force the abandoning of official opposition to any form of the Unity Campaign .
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