Example sentences of "[prep] the age of " in BNC.

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1 There could also be controversy over the executive 's rejection of demands for the age of consent for homosexuals to be reduced to 16 years .
2 A stance which was appropriate for the Age of Brezhnev and Galtieri now seems out of date and out of touch with the spirit of the times .
3 He had been known to blow his top after a child in the room had passed wind , making no allowance for the age of the boy ( a four-year old ) and the fact of his parents being guests .
4 Initially the quantity expected to be eaten should be very small and gradually the amount increased up to a normal portion for the age of the child .
6 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
7 The vagaries and uncertainties of the British climate continue to exercise gardeners , and two forthcoming books attempt to cater for the age of the hosepipe ban .
8 Since scientists had to eat , much of this rhetoric was also concerned with the need for the age of science to support its science with money and honour .
9 Where , however , the recorded mileage was exceptionally low for the age of the vehicle and the defendant had failed to make any enquiries even of the car 's immediate previous owner , the defence is likely to fail , Simmons v. Ravenhill ( 1983 D.C. ) .
10 This shift in the religious attitude , which saw humanity as alienated from nature , laid the foundations for the Age of Reason .
11 Coal will provide the raw material for the age of plastics .
12 The life expectancy of a girl of twenty four , according to conventional tables , is for the age of seventy nine and is thus fifty five years .
13 The smallest insect alive during the Age of Dinosaurs must have been more than a million times smaller than Brontosaurus .
14 The growth of population and the urbanisation of western and central Europe , which occurred during the Age of Discovery and throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , created a growing demand for the importation of basic foodstuffs and agriculturally derived raw materials such as cotton , wool and hides .
15 The meaning of the term ‘ law ’ in science has changed greatly over time ; and during the Age of Science it was a term of great importance .
16 It happens that the break-up of the great southern continent of Gondwanaland began during the age of the dinosaurs .
17 Will it all seem as quaint to them as the age of steam and the stovepipe hat now seems to us ?
18 Living in the troubled times of the late fourth and early fifth centuries , St Augustine regarded the Christian era as the age of senility and decay that would lead to the seventh age when time would end , although he was careful not to forecast a definite date for this .
19 The old warrior treated it as a kind of personal adventure playground where he could drive through cherished projects such as the revival of the wartime Home Guard or toy with trifles such as the age of entry to the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth .
20 However , he was much more explicit in his references to the nature of ‘ adolescence ’ , referring to it as the age of ‘ terrible peril ’ which had to be responded to ; the ‘ wayward forces ’ had to be ‘ rightly directed ’ , so that the ‘ new instincts and impulses , the new faculties and powers … shall be rightly exercised and trained , and that protection shall be given as far as possible against the temptations to which it is exposed ’ .
21 The Cretaceous has also been referred to , for example , as the Age of Cycads .
22 The eighteenth century is often referred to as the Age of Reason ; most people believed that the world that Newton and Locke had made was the real world .
23 I could try reassuring them that over in Holland , the half-century is toasted as the age of wisdom , that women are dubbed Sarah ( the biblical matriarch ) and men Abraham for a day of high celebration .
24 The forties were seen as the age of potential transition from ‘ young ’ to ‘ old ’ .
25 Although there is evidence that those who choose to learn sign language after the age of 30 years will not reach the level of understanding of those who begin earlier ; and although there is a declining performance as the age of sign language learning increases , it does not mean that all those over the age of 30 years can not learn BSL , nor that they will be unable to communicate .
26 Experience tends to improve performance but has a lessening effect as the age of acquisition increases .
27 The CEMWC 's suggestion of 17 , as opposed to 16 as the age of consent then was for heterosexual relations , was made on the basis that the higher age would provide ‘ better protection of youth ’ .
28 The nineteenth century was seen as the age of liberalism and democracy and of the victory of money values .
29 We are living in what may well come to be known as the age of the American soprano , with Norman , Studer , Millo , Vaness , Hendricks , Battle , Bonney and Upshaw all doing conspicuously well for themselves on disc .
30 Identified by Hobsbawm as The Age of Capital , in the history of Co-operation in the United Kingdom the period 1848 to 1875 is marked by the emergence of the Consumers ' Movement as a major feature of retail trade , the exposure of the antithesis between it and Producers ' Co-operation and , as a result , the virtual abandonment of the latter as an expression of democracy .
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