Example sentences of "[prep] sir [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 There is no reason for the School not to have been in operation very soon after Sir Edmond 's death .
2 I would have thought , that after Sir Edward 's meeting , or Ted , I kno I do n't like to call him Ted , I know you know him intimately , David , so you can call him Ted , I 'll call him Sir Edward , but after Sir Edward 's meeting with Tariq Aziz , surely that was enough , was n't it ?
3 In a move variously described as ‘ ghoulish ’ , ‘ Machiavellian ’ and ‘ sick ’ , Mr Creed , it was alleged , had orchestrated this posthumous resignation , instructing expert embalmers to preserve the corpse and even arranging a photo session two days after Sir Charles 's death ( Sir Charles 's lifeless arm around Mr Creed 's shoulders ) so a picture could be released to the press along with a transcript of the letter of resignation .
4 Always involved in his father 's ventures , he decided after Sir Malcolm 's death in 1948 to defend his water title , set at 141.74 m.p.h. in 1939 , using his father 's boat .
5 Seton 's body was quickly reinterred and , despite Sir James ' protests , Corbett insisted that his escort accompany him back to the Abbey of Holy Rood .
6 Despite Sir John 's brusque ways , I saw he was a well-respected , even loved , lord of the soil .
7 Fear may have contributed — fear of Sir Alexander 's wrath .
8 They 'll justify their behaviour by saying that the interviewee needs to perform well under pressure to do the job ( odd that most of Sir Robin 's victims were politicians , though …
9 Many of Sir Peter 's fellow company chairmen will scoff at such socialist sentiments .
10 The current generation of umpires will probably never summon the wisdom or even the self-effacement to request this aid , sot the ICC should examine closely the prospect of adopting the practice in the wake of Sir Colin 's momentous charter which came into effect last October .
11 Perhaps we could now move on to the question of Sir Conrad 's recent involvement in the club 's affairs ? ’
12 In the latter part of Sir Kit 's reign , which ended in early 1991 , half the bank 's assets were up for sale , including its European businesses , Thomas Cook , the travel chain , Forward Trust , and even the Midland 's headquarters in Poultry .
13 This actually happened in the case of Sir Edmond 's chantry at St. Thomas of Acre , and in fact the Mercers ' Company took on the responsibility .
14 Not until 1495 were all the conditions of Sir Edmond 's will fulfilled .
15 These early years of Sir Edmond 's foundations in the north are obscure .
16 Ferrebe in the Church of St. John Zachary " ; the figure corresponds with the total of Sir Edmond 's obit ( £2 1 4d ) and the gift to the poor of 12s 0d .
17 While Munro baggers have been marking the centenary of Sir Hugh 's tables , a ghost has come to trouble the celebrations — the hovering spectre of Foinavon .
18 The postal services in those days must have been extremely efficient , for the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in London four days later ( on 26 June , at No 12 Austin Friars ) recorded the receipt of Sir William 's plan , commenting that he had indicated there ‘ would not be found a want of active and intelligent Committees , and hardy boats ’ crews ’ !
19 And there she won the Red Cross raffle prize of a collection of Sir Cedric 's irises , in all their subtle veined and spotted browns and golds .
20 So when the great lady detective drew a hair from her head and stuck it across the lock on the front door of Sir Vivien 's motor car , Constable Quince said nothing .
21 Might I remind Mr Baker of Sir Humphrey 's wise advice to his minister ?
22 Mr Mackeson-Sandbach also called for the board to be strengthened , a demand subsequently reinforced by one of Sir Basil 's sons , Mr Adrian de Ferranti .
23 The terms of reference of Sir Geoffrey 's committee indicate that the Exchange is determined that all aspects of the creation of a clearing house are fully explored .
24 But the most remarkable section of Sir Geoffrey 's address to a meeting organised by the Conservative Bow Group — an influential Tory centre grouping — dealt with the trade deficit .
25 It is the culmination of a lengthy deliberation process which has been the hallmark of Sir Geoffrey 's rise to the position he now occupies as one of Britain 's most successful businessmen .
26 At the heart of Sir Ian 's complaint was Mr Samuel 's alleged deliberate concealment of his activities after they had been partially unearthed .
27 This third and bulky fruit of Sir Ian 's otium cum dignitate ( ’ how to amuse oneself harmlessly when out of office ’ ) has turned out a curious book .
28 I am , after all , ’ he added , glaring round the room as if expecting a challenge , ‘ the executor of Sir Ralph 's . ’
29 ‘ Sir Fulke , you say you are the executor of Sir Ralph 's will ? ’
30 ‘ Before dinner , and did not return until after Prime this morning when we heard of Sir Ralph 's death .
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