Example sentences of "[prep] giving [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 She was a peach , he thought lovingly , a perfect peach , and all his , provided he was satisfied after giving her a run on the highway .
2 After giving me a bit of a rollocking they went away telling me what happened to sentries who fell asleep guarding the magazine .
3 Trustingly she slipped a small hand into one of his , and she would have gone with him anywhere , but he detached her fingers after giving them a reassuring squeeze .
4 In spring mulch the soil around it well after giving it a good soaking , this will encourage the soil to stay moist .
5 Just now , however , the land was dry , the pool a perfect mirror , moss on the statuary below giving it a rich green colour , like a tarnished bronze .
6 What she did n't like , and what very seriously worried her , was the way , after long moments of giving her a cold-eyed stare , Naylor Massingham should suddenly look at her with such a degree of pleasantness that she just knew she was n't going to like what was going through his brain .
7 He saw the children on the road and thought of giving them a lift . ’
8 ‘ We will make sure they go to families who are capable of giving them a good home , ’ said Mrs Henderson .
9 This has the positive advantage of giving them a broad-based appeal across a diversified range of industries and functions and always having somebody in the team who can potentially suit the chemistry of a particular client .
10 Much as the regimes of Eastern Europe might welcome the support of their neighbours against Moscow — and hence a strengthening of such multilateral forums — they also view their neighbours as rival claimants to Moscow 's favour and are wary of giving them a greater voice in their own affairs .
11 This , of course , particularly has the benefit for residents of giving them a little extra space during the evenings and weekends when , generally speaking , day patients do not attend .
12 In some situations , the classroom is the only place learners can hear the foreign language spoken , so video becomes a means of giving them a " language bath " in the classroom .
13 Ah , well , it 's only a matter of giving them a cup of coffee afterwards .
14 grading , instead of giving them a pay rise they get
15 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , a Turkish peasant farmer , described to the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , stolen his kidney to be used in a transplant .
16 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
17 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
18 If he fails to do so , the mortgagee will be entitled to an order of foreclosure absolute , the effect of which will be to vest the mortgaged property in him absolutely , but at the same time to prevent him — even if the property should prove insufficient — from claiming payment from the mortgagor , except upon terms of giving him a fresh right to redeem .
19 I was thinking , ‘ I bet nobody has thought of giving him a beer . ’
20 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
21 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
22 But there was nothing she could do about it , short of giving him an explanation for the presence of Richard 's car outside her flat .
23 This initiative , in the event , paid off handsomely , both in terms of profit and in terms of giving us an illusion of independence when one of our consortia , which we shared with the Burmah Oil company , discovered oil in what is now the Ninian field .
24 Touring the fort , commanded by Sir Eyre Coote of the 37th Regiment , an unexpected knowledge surfaced : ‘ Dr Johnson talked of the proportions of charcoal and salt-petre in making gunpowder , of granulating it and of giving it a gloss ’ — although he admitted to Boswell afterwards that he had ‘ talked ostentatiously ’ .
25 Instead of giving it a grant , they paid back their money .
26 All of us at John Fowler Holidays will be pleased to see you at any time and hope to have the pleasure of giving you a good holiday .
27 I want you , but I have no intention of giving you a plain gold ring or any other ring that could be held against me as a pledge .
28 Well I , I thought of perhaps , you know , of giving you a lift somewhere .
29 It is a painless way to travel with the unrivalled advantage of giving you an extra day 's skiing at each end of a week 's holiday .
30 Two years after his return from Cetinje , Vuk received official confirmation of rumours and hints that Miloš was considering giving him a pension .
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