Example sentences of "[prep] practice to be " in BNC.

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1 The significant point is that you have to split a manoeuvre up and experiment with each part for practice to be worth while .
2 A working party , chaired by Robin Bidwell of the consultancy Environmental Resources , sets out proposals for a scheme to provide ( i ) a framework within which environmental consulting groups can declare their competence for carrying out environmental auditing and ( ii ) a code of practice to be followed when undertaking environmental audits .
3 On the other hand , there are different levels and degrees of both conformity and dissent , and in a context where prevailing versions of good practice tended to emphasize the visual and organizational , a strategic surface conformity allowed the more subtle and perhaps significant aspects of practice to be retained and underlying attitudes and assumptions to persist .
4 As ever , vigilant assessors of needs , and assiduous entrepreneurs in the pursuit of punters , the rhetoric of practice to be predictably familiar across regional and social settings .
5 It contains a statement of the offence ( section 20 ) and a generally worded definition of ‘ misleading ’ ( section 21 ) and provides for a code of practice to be approved by the Secretary of State which gives practical guidance ( section 25 ) .
6 We called for a code of practice to be given the force of law .
7 The company will issue a code of practice to be signed by all sales staff , he added .
8 Its criminal jurisdiction is , in the sixteenth century , vested in a set of commissioners welcome in practice to be invariably judges of the Common Law Courts .
9 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
10 It is an additional fact , too important in practice to be called incidental but not necessary enough in theory to be called inevitable , that these causal arrows have become bundled up .
11 It is n't easy in practice to be a good carer . ’
12 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
13 The supposed division between ‘ general policy ’ as a matter for the Minister , and ‘ detailed execution ’ as a matter for the Boards — which was implicit in much earlier discussion of the public corporation — proved in practice to be meaningless .
14 With the exception of deeply divided societies such as Northern Ireland , it has tended in practice to be very difficult to attribute more than the most limited amount of crime to any kind of underlying ideological commitment .
15 Douglas Reed , for example , who resigned as Central European Correspondent of The Times in 1938 over his newspaper 's support for appeasement politics , and whose background and life history read like the classic facsimile of the alleged fascist , proved in practice to be a crusading anti-fascist .
16 These tactics were necessary because the major national political issues of 1935 had proved in practice to be disastrous flops for the BUF .
17 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
18 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
19 Such a training system has been found in practice to be very effective with a wide range of teachers .
20 This is an understandable reaction to some of the less interesting programmes of what turns out in practice to be a kind of " library drill " : aimless trots through catalogues and reference books by pupils carrying work-cards or slips of typed paper setting them questions to answer which nobody apart from a desperate teacher-librarian would ever think to ask .
21 The notes will also give a practical interpretation of the regulations and codify best practice , as well as be more prescriptive to clarify what have already proved in practice to be grey areas .
22 The Committee developed proposals for a scheme making it obligatory for members in practice to be insured , considered with insurers the implications of low fees and contributed to developments towards harmonisation in the EC .
23 Elsewhere there was no need to set up special bodies , but it is clear that much local administration had in practice to be devolved into the hands of local men .
24 The Lords ' remaining authority was in practice to be removed in consequence of the 1867 Reform Act , though not until the twentieth century was the House forced formally to accept its diminished status .
25 It has been found in practice to be easy to explain to the lay client and easy for such a client to comprehend .
26 Sayer clearly wishes to move beyond explanation to transformation but the problems that realism poses for me derive from its confinement in practice to being simply a better system of explanation .
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