Example sentences of "[prep] need [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The existence of the process element means that evaluation is usually oriented towards detection of need for change rather than towards choice between temporally co-existing alternatives .
2 It was predictable that the onerousness of the rating task held down response rate somewhat ( 33 per cent of a target population of 200 ) , but less predictably , great suspicion was aroused by the use of multiplication as a way of combining the two components of need for change .
3 Fuel price increases — Warnings of need for rationing
4 Quincx Roirbak was taken back twenty years , to a time when a young student had asked him questions with the same expression of need for reassurance .
5 The avoidance of unnecessary institutional care by assessment of need for care .
6 We are training a group of mental health monitors from the refugee community who will be able to lead discussion groups using the pamphlets and also spot special cases of need for referral to us ' This training will also be very useful in the future during the reconstruction period , as community mental health workers are going to be essential .
7 It might be naively assumed that these variations in expenditure reflect the varying patterns of need for health care illustrated by the population .
8 The national formula was derived from regression analysis , with hospital utilisation as an index of need for health care — a method which has fundamental limitations .
9 Assessment of Need at Authority Level
10 The assessment of need at point of referral will be undertaken by the social worker on duty , or by the Home Help Organiser if a home help is requested .
11 The dominance of the behavioural approach has led to the equating of need with willingness to pay or expressed demand … [ but ] a by-product of behaviour-based transport planning is that individuals who do not show ‘ demand ’ for movements are assumed not to ‘ need ’ to move
12 Child suffers on for need of op
13 This distinction was handled by asking respondents to rate each of two hundred features of the Modular Course and its institutional context , both for importance and for need for change .
14 ‘ Each school will try to enlist the support of a company , like BNFL , and it is intended to present a bumper cheque to Children in Need on TV in December . ’
15 It was a childhood rich in the family traditions of Judaism , one that was made to feel all the more in need of protection , thanks to the brutality against them and their people in Europe .
16 ( Everyone in Cornwall who supported King Charles planted a Scots pine outside his house as a sign of welcoming like-minded passers-by who might be in need of protection .
17 Some people faithfully hang on to their problem , sabotaging help when unconsciously they experience their partner as more vulnerable than themselves and in need of protection .
18 This seems unlikely , however , because one might expect females to be just as much in need of protection as males .
19 As was suggested above , the young were consistently represented as being in need of protection .
20 Although the question whether there is any way of determining those in need of protection is at the heart of this debate , this is unlikely to be the prime determinant of professional practice .
21 In a western liberal democracy heavily dependent on the stock market as its allocator of scare resources , society surely has the right to decide which legitimate interests are in need of protection .
22 Or being in some way fragile and in need of protection .
23 Several M.P.s argued that men were in need of protection in certain sexual situations and that Morgan and Clause 1 were necessary in order to provide it .
24 But the weakest element in the situation — the one most in need of protection , towards which Richard would always return — the weakest element was certainly Willis .
25 The NCC has identified this habitat as urgently in need of protection since only about 3% remains .
26 John Gummer , who was not considered to be in need of protection , was singing ‘ Lead Kindly Light ’ in a falsetto voice .
27 It should look ridiculous , and yet somehow , on her slim little body , that laughable , crushable , rub-your-face-in-it white dress makes Tamsin look frail , in need of protection , as sexy as a sprite .
28 And it seems to me there is a grave danger that once established as open countryside and in an area in need of protection , it will be heavens only job to move that in future years .
29 A census of Britain 's butterflies is being carried out to find out which species are most in need of protection .
30 Women should not simply be seen as smitten fools in need of protection ; when they accept the advances of those professionally above them , they know the murky pond in which they plunge .
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