Example sentences of "[prep] coming out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't go back to school after coming out of hospital , I felt that all that potential had gone ; I just stayed at home watching ‘ Rainbow ’ and ‘ Play School ’ .
2 The day that made the appointment to see and Co , Nick after coming out of that meeting with Nick , we called in at the office , myself and my wife , and whilst I was tidying some things up because I 'd got the remainder of the afternoon off , Charles ' wife said to my wife , my wife actually broke down in tears , and she says , What 's up ?
3 If the cloud base is low , there is bound to be a risk of coming out under the cloud and being unable to reach an area where it is not raining .
4 Now that 's that 's just sort of coming out with the answer .
5 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
6 So when women talk of coming out as a lesbian , I want to ask — can I come as a person first ?
7 And while holidaymakers are whipped up to almost frenzied levels of opportunistic greed by guidebooks which insist that real travellers never pay the first price they are quoted , few have any prospect of coming out of a deal better than the merchant who initiated it .
8 This is your way of coming out of the closet as a writer .
9 The thrill of coming out of Oxford Circus tube and seeing a pile of me at the news-stand was pretty hard to beat .
10 If ClarisWorks is in the process of being born and Complete Works shows signs of coming out of a difficult adolescence , then PFS:WindowWorks is the old timer of the three .
11 ‘ Sam 's chances of coming out of this alive diminish all the time . ’
12 I thought , the chances of coming out of that alive with this madman as the owner and driving force …
13 ‘ It is all part of the psychological phenomenon of coming out of recession .
14 Whatever the technicalities of coming out of the recession , to those engaged in the industry it does not appear to be over .
15 It 's our work around heterosexism which makes a direct and daily challenge to them , and in a sense this work is a pure act of coming out in that it no longer allows them to treat us as one of the girls ( or boys ) who is really just like them .
16 Oh I 'm gon na start going , I have n't been swimming for that long and I 've been saying off and on oh I must go , I must go , but when it 's so cold outside you do n't feel like coming out with all wet hair and all that
17 For coming out of the dark ages fighting , with good new cars and a bolder vision of the future ’
18 For once her interest was not centred on the Grand Prix , but on her father , and his reasons for coming out to Spain to find her .
19 BRAVO for coming out in support of animal welfare in Andrew Tyler 's piece ‘ Anatomy of a Brain Surgeon ’ ( February ) .
20 ‘ If you 're not doing anything how about coming out to supper with me ? ’
21 How about coming out to my farm and having a look at that sow I mentioned ?
22 ‘ Well , what about coming out for a meal with all of us ? ’
23 This piece is about coming out in Dublin in the early seventies .
24 They should try and stand in someone else 's shoes for a while before coming out with all that . ’
25 They insisted upon coming out to Reine to inspect my living accommodation , and the person with whom I shared it .
26 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
27 Byrne was carried away from the ring unconscious and died three days later without coming out of his coma .
28 We 'll cover the purchase by looking to coming out of your present holdings towards the end of the account , maybe today if the Index picks up … "
29 There was the celebratory dinner on coming out of the line near Cassino , when Captain Sir Hugh Arbuthnot slung a full bottle of wine down a long table at Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Makins , to whom he had developed a sudden antipathy .
30 Now he 'd have to rely for a lift on Colin who would n't be so keen on coming out of his way .
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