Example sentences of "[prep] changes [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the lower two maps suspended sediment discharge is reduced by 1970 after the implementation of conservation measures and after changes in land use ( after Meade and Trimble , 1974 )
2 The model does not suggest that these are the limits of the bodies , simply that these are the sort of changes between June 1990 and June 1991 which would fit the observed gravity data .
3 In more recent periods of decades there have been , secondly , many investigations of the impact of human activity for example upon river channels ( Gregory , 1981 ; Park , 1981 ) and of changes during decades rather than millennia .
4 A BBC spokeswoman said ‘ As part of rescheduling of afternoon programmes and a broader sweep of changes on Radio 4 , ‘ Bookshelf ’ is to be taken off air .
5 Do you have a lot of changes with staff ?
6 Similarly , the punctuation of changes of state , such as window frames , doorways , bearings and edging strips are as expressive in painting and music as they are necessary in architecture and mechanics .
7 The text of the 1905 Convention is much fuller when compared with the terse formulation of its predecessor , and it contains a number of changes of principle .
8 The next few decades saw a number of changes of ownership with such people as John Clarke and later , John Chalk running the mill .
9 NOTE Make sure that this group has plenty of changes of clothing in their wardrobe .
10 Nothing has been left out , from the temperature in the staff locker room ( at 16°C , 5°C less than that in the examination rooms ) to the number of changes of air per hour in the patients ' lavatories ( two ! ) .
11 Between 1957 and 1979 he found that on such economic inputs as minimum lending rate , public-sector borrowing requirement , and public spending as a proportion of GDP and on economic outcomes such as inflation , unemployment , and growth , the record showed long-term secular trends , regardless of changes of government .
12 The civil servants who staff the DES remain in post irrespective of changes of government .
13 Now , if you set these changes against the objectives of the concurrent advertising campaigns for these brands , expressed in terms of changes of attitude , you find — if you are lucky — that the attitudes have , indeed , changed in the intended direction .
14 For the measurement of changes of performance over time items were to be analysed using the Rasch model .
15 In our society , such ritual celebrations of changes of status through ageing are now restricted to religious occasions like baptism , confirmation and burial , though ‘ coming-of-age ’ parties amount to the same thing .
16 There have been a number of changes of mind since May 1991 on the part not only of the local authority .
17 The importance of changes of climate
18 We here append a line or two of an imaginary one-man percussion part , in order to familiarize the student with the notation , the indications of changes of instrument , and the recognized abbreviations of their names :
19 Rejection of changes to banking secrecy
20 Two sets of regulations have been laid before Parliament which make a number of changes to Income Support , Housing Benefit and Community Charge Benefit .
21 This project aims to develop a tool which will allow policy makers to analyse systematically the impact of changes to income taxation and to the benefits which provide income support .
22 The war brought a lot of changes to Baldersdale , however .
23 HTV CHAIRMAN Louis Sherwood yesterday warned of the dire consequences of changes to ITV ownership rules which could put the company under the threat of a take-over .
24 A record of changes to items such as salary , job and grades is an important part of any record administration system .
25 Friday 's meeting , to be held at Walsall 's Bescot stadium , will also discuss a number of changes to League rules .
26 Details of changes to modules , together with lists of the new modules which will be available for introduction next session , are provided in annexes to this report letter .
27 There are currently a number of changes at work that are likely to prevent the poor from acquiring capital assets .
28 To say anything sensible about ( d ) and ( c ) , substantial long-term studies of changes over time as well as in different places are called for .
29 In the chapter on evolution , Stuart rightly stresses the importance of a good stratigraphic and geographic record for studies of changes over time between species .
30 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
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